A new direction

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You got up early the next day, not wanting to come in contact with Winry after your argument last night. Edward was already awake, and in your room, looking over you. You let out a high pitched scream that was quickly muffled. Ed mumbled something about being able to hear your argument last night, and he wanted to leave as soon as possible so Winry couldn't get any ideas. You smiled gratefully. Ed knew exactly what you needed.  So, you snuck out.  Pinacco and Winry would never be the wiser of any of it. Same with Major Armstrong. He would be left to take the train on his own, poor bloke. You saw that Edward had repaired Alphonse. You grinned, and tried to pap his head, yet not quite reaching, and of course by "not quite" I mean you are nowhere effing near reaching his helmet, and even farther from the top of it. Ed rolled his eyes impatiently. "Can we go now?" He asked in an annoyed whisper. You stuck out your tongue, and made your hand look like a mouth, and imitated his annoyed voice, going slightly cross eyed "my name is Edward, and I can never wait for fun, because I'm always boring unless it's to be romantic with Y/N, which never happens because I'm a boring fart." You then burst out in silent giggles over how utterly hilarious you are.

Alphonse was finally the voice of reason, and told Ed to stop pouting, and for you to hold in your darned giggles. You rolled your eyes, but did so, and Ed sighed, and glared playfully at you before grinning, and taking your hand. You three ran to the central train station, and soon enough, you were asleep. Not being able to stay up any longer. While you were out, Ed and Al were arguing about whether or not Ed likes you. Ed was blushing ferociously and tried to deny the fact, but Alphonse kept persisting. He finally broke Ed when he mumbled "Fine. I do like her. She's perfect in every way, and I just... Just..." He cut himself off, almost as red as his coat when he saw how hard Al would be smirking if he were made out of flesh and bone. 

All three of you were on the train, going away from that accursed place as you like to call it, and on your way to unravel the mysteries of doctor Marcho's odd note. You were enticed to say the least. You were practically bouncing in your seat as you three went on tour way on the train. As you got to Central, you and Edward bounded out of the train. You were met by two new guards. You groaned loudly as Edward simply glared. Once they had made introductions, and you followed suit, you and Ed were practically racing, seeing who could get to the Library location first. You had been working on becoming more agile, so you saw the horror first. 

Ashes. Ashes, rubble and dirt met your eyes. There were a few distinguishable parts, but most of the library was gone. Leaving a huge clearing in it's place. It was about large enough to hold a huge apartment building. Edward collapsed to his knees as Alphonse rejoined you guys. You had your hands clamped over your mouth, this is a terrible crime. Who would disrespect literature like this? Well... Whoever it was is going to pay. You shook your head, no. This would not get on your nerves.

Edward was about to give up hope on the records until one of the former workers of the trashed up library mentioned a woman named Sheska, apparently she knew just about everything pertaining to books.

You and Ed perked up, and looked at the Ex-worker. She looked at you two with wide eyes and she pointed to an apartment building, directing you to the correct room. You two bowed in unison and sped off. Alphonse then bowed after you two, and ran off with you. The military workers sighed at your childishness before walking off after you three in a formal manner.

You reached the building and the apartment room. You knocked on the door softly, and Edward rolled his eyes, kicking open the door. You yelled out in surprise and your mouth narrowed into a line. "Ed where are your manners?!" You ask incredulously he shrugged "The door is open now." You roll your eyes and Alphonse put a hand to his forehead in a metal face palm as Edward ran in, and then yelled out "LOOK AT ALL OF THESE BOOKS!" You tilt your head

There were books upon books upon books upon books upon BOOKS! You felt your face heat up in excitement as you ran your hand along the spines of a few of them. You then heard a muffled voice and whipped your head around. "WAIT EDWARD, ALPHONSE! DID YOU HEAR THAT?!" Al nodded his helmet, and ran towards it. 

The voice was female and barely audible. It was crying over and over "Help me!"  "Somebody help me!"  "Please help me!"   "I'm running out of air!"

You were digging through books. You stopped to look at some of them but then threw them aside as you remembered there was a person underneath. The military workers began to dig along with you three. Alphonse then hit an arm, he gasped, and pulled. The voice shouted "OUCH, OUCH!!" Al tugged harder "OOOOW THAT HURTS, YOU'RE GOING TO PULL MY ARM OFF!" The woman was then revealed from underneath the book pile.

You had a book on top of your head as you observed the girl. She wore a white sweater, a comfortable pair of jeans, a black pair of shoes, short brown hair in a pixie cut. She had big brown eyes and she wore thick black glasses.  Ross was the first one to speak. She said in a tone that shone with formality. "I am assuming that your name is Sheska?" The lady that was still being held up by one arm smiled kindly. "Yes, that's me!"

you had asked her about the documents and she had a confused/thinking expression on her face, she had her index finger resting on her chin as she looked up, she then mumbled "Let's see.. I don't think I have a copy of that." Ed sighed and turned away "Well thanks for your time." 

Sheska then gasped "But I can make you another copy! I have a photographic memory! "

Ed got all up in her face "What?! YOU DO?!" You snickered a bit, and rolled your eyes.

Sheska smiled and nodded fast, you then cheered along with the Elric's. A renewed feeling of hope swelled in your chest.

~Okay. I am SO SO SO SO SO sorry that I have not updated for like a month and a half. I finally got this chapter out of the way so now I can finally start writing more fun chapters, more violent chapter s and chapters with more action. *Le sigh of relief* So yeah. I am so sorry again, please forgive my very super late update. Ehehe thanks as always for reading this hunk o' garbage called a fanfiction! 0u0~


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