The Tucker estate

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You had taken off your coat... Not very willing to, because seriously... This guy might be a Raper pervert for all you know His calculating eyes from behind spectacles looked up and down over your auto mail. You shuddered at the thought of him looking and not just your auto mail, but your whole body. But, nevertheless... You knew that he wouldn't do anything with Edward there. He got pissed off of another guy even try to talk to you. You loved that quality about him. You then tuned into the conversation. Before you were really listening because were kind of fantasizing about Ed... And worrying about what kind of person this Shou Tucker would be. Shou tucker was saying "I see, so you lost your mother... That must've been hard." He had intertwined his fingers about one another, and booked it you three with an expression of remorse. The kernel been put in hastily "I told my superiors that he lost his linens in the Civil War in the East. I also told them that (Y/n) here was born with disabilities, and that's why she needs auto now. I must ask you to keep quiet about their attempts at human transmutation." Tucker has not it currently and said "sure. No problem. I'm sure the military could not afford to lose such brilliant individuals. Well then Tucker has not it curtly and said "sure. No problem. I'm sure the military could not afford to lose such brilliant individuals." He then stood up saying "well then... let me show you my Laboratory, although I'm not sure if it will be able to help you much." Tucker had lead you into another room. As soon as he had opened the door, You had clamped your hands over your ears. What a racket! There was banging on cages, screeching, howling, all sorts of other animal noises. Tucker was saying "you've got excuse me... I'm supposed to be the authority on Chimara is, but in reality, it's never easy. Lots of failures... Lots of false starts." You rolled your eyes, and thought 'I don't care what it is... As long as we can get out of this godforsaken room.' He even let you quite away down a hallway, until you reach a grand double door. He opened both of the majestically will saying "this is my file room". It was a dark room, filled to the brim with bookshelves. After seeing the sights, Ed let out a whistle, and an excited "oooooh!" You are either hand, squealed like a fan girl. Al was already checking out bookshelves, muttering to himself. You giggled slightly, and worked alongside edward. Every once in awhile he let you lean on him, which made him blush heavily, and made you feel special, and loved. Soon, the clock had gonged, signaling 5:00 PM. You let out a frustrated sigah. "Five already? I just got into an interesting part... I also didn't realize the time... Dammit." Edward just chuckled at you, saying "You're cute when your all stressed out." you blushed deeply, but resorted to yelling "And you're saying I'm not cute other times?! What he hell?! I'm tr cutest thinng you'll ever see!!" Ed kept laughing. You joined in after a while, and it just increased when the big white dog crushed him again. You found Alphonse, the little brown haired girl named Nina atop his shoulders. You giggled slightly, and said hi to Nina. She giggled back, and returned the greeting. Soon enough, Ed had gotten out from under the dog, and was chasing it around the room, while yelling "JUST TRY AND SIT ON ME AGAIN, YOU CANINE FRIEND! I, EDWARD ELRIC WILL FIGHT YOU WITH MY ENTIRE BODY, AND SOUL!" You laughed harder, and harder until you were just laughing silently, unable to make another sound, so you went for clapping like a retarded Seal. You could see Al shaking his head... I mean... helmet at your immature behaviors. Soon enough, Lieutenant Jean Havof... Or as your for to him 'cigarette man' had appears to take you back to the hotel. Mr. Tucker was with him, and asked if you needed more time to study. You hastily said yes, because you knew that the book was going to give you more information soon. He chuckled, and said that you could come back tomorrow. You grinned, and looks down at Edward, who is once again crushed by the dog. You tugged on Alexander's front left paw while yelling "give me Edward back! We need to eat dinner so we can come back tomorrow you mangy mutt!" Alexander whinnied, but got off. After you had left, Tucker and Havof were having a conversation about his assessment day, and how it was coming up in about two days. Looking grim, he replied "Yes.. I know." Nina timidly approached her father. Hey, daddy... What's an assessment?" "... well, sweetie... When you become a state alchemist you have to show the results of your research once a year. And if they don't like how you're doing, they take away your license. Daddy's evaluation wasn't very good last year... So unless they do something great this year, I won't be a state alchemist anymore." Nina's expression turned from curiosity to fear. "whaaaat?! You'll do great, daddy! You're always studying a lot!" Mr. Tucker then pulled his daughter into a hug. He said "I know, sweetie... But if they don't like me...there's nothing else left that I can do....... Nothing... Else... I can do." the light reflected off of his glasses, making his eyes seem non-existent. However, you were in the cab... Blissfully unaware of what mister Tucker had planned for his daughter.

~I don't want to write the next chapter..... /)^(\~


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