Road Of Hope

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Major Armstrong was sniffling quite loudly. You sweatdropped. Was this guy for real?? A big,  muscly guy... That's crying.... He picked you and Ed up swiftly saying in his loud voice "OH Y/N L/N AND EDWARD ELRIC!I'VE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!" You were yelling "Put me down! You psychopath! I'm just a girl!! HELP!!" Armstrong set you both down, and continued his little speech. "THE PURE LOVE THAT LED YOU TO TRY TO RESURRECT YOUR DEAD MOTHER!! THE BROTHERLY, AND SISTERLY LOVE THAT MADE YOU RISK YOUR OWN LIFE'S TO BRING BACK YOUR YOUNGER BROTHER'S SOUL!" His hand was clenched in a fist, and tears were still falling, he them went to embrace Ed again, while saying "I AM SO MOVED!" Ed deflected his hug by swiftly bringing up his leg, and kicking him straight in the face, saying in an annoyed tone of voice "Stay back." You giggled slightly. Ed's just so cute..... But you could tell he didn't want to hear anything of the sort, he was leaning in by Roy, a death glare on his face. He muttered loud enough that you, Al, and Roy could hear "So who told him all about us, COLONEL?" Roy then said slowly "Well... When someone like him is leaning on you, it's hard to not tell him what he wants...." you could see the colonel sweating, which made you smirk. The smirk quickly faded as Armstrong said "KNOWING THE DETAILS OF YOUR PAST.... HAS MADE ME DECIDE TO ESCORT YOU ON YOUR VALIANT MISSION TO VISIT YOUR ENGINEER!!" Edward's left eyelid twitched involuntarily  as he screamed "wHAT?!" You finished his thought for him "You must be CRAZY! WE DON'T NEED GUARDS!!" Riza was the one to start talking sense. She curtly said "Edward, Y/N... You're planning to travel around in that state when Scar could attack you at any minute? Of coarse we're going to assign a guard to you. Otherwise, you're completely defenseless."  jean Havoc then put in a good point "And with your arm gone, Ed... You wouldn't be able to carry both Al and Y/N. That's madness." Ed made a sound like "Tch" while he grabbed his stump of his arm. You said angrily "JUST GET ME A WHEELCHAIR!" Breda went to get your demands over with, but Edward was yelling at Riza "But it doesn't have to be the major!!" Everyone  then gave their excuses. Hughes said "I got a ton of work waiting back for me in central" Roy said " I can't leave the East headquarters" Reza then said "I'm too busy babysitting the kernel. Someone has to keep him in line." a Jean Havoc put up both his hands in a defensive manner saying "I don't think I can protect you from someone that dangerous" Brit I don't think I can protect you from someone that dangerous" Breda came rushing back into the room in time to say with the other two soldiers "our thoughts exactly!" He then helped you in your wheelchair, which you slouched in. SO. BORING. Armstrong then put his hands on yours and Ed's heads exclaiming happily "SO IT'S DECIDED!!" Ed clenched his hand into a fist, yelling "NOTHING  IS  "DECIDED!!" Armstrong said defiantly "NOW, EDWARD. PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR ELDERS " Ed then said furiously "DON'T. TREAT. ME. LIKE. A. KID!!" Armstrong folded his arms, and Ed said "why you..." He then turned to you and Al. "HEY, AL, Y/N!! ARE YOU GONNA TAKE THAT?!" You sighed, and half-shrugged. This was just so boring. This made the soft look in Ed's eyes appear but then he became angry again once Al said "BUT ED, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME SOMEONE'S TREATED ME LIKE A KID SINCE MY BODY BECAME ARMOUR!" He had put his metal hand to where his cheek would be on the helmet. Ed then mumbled "it's no use" but Roy stepped in "If you still plan on making a fuss, would you prefer to be court-martialed for disobeying orders?" He had his hands wrapped around each other  maniacally, chuckling darkly. Ed said "WHAT?! Oh why you dirty...!" Yet he was cut off by Armstrong saying "HMH... NOW THAT IT HAS BEEN DECIDED, LET US PACK." Soon enough, Alphonse was inside a topless wooden crate, two Uhm...  Plaques? No... Uhm... Planks? I think? Whatever... Two sort of thick pieces of wood on the top, keeping him in place.  Armstrong has used the excuse that  ' baggage fees are cheaper than travel fees' Al then sadly thought "This will be the first time I've been treated like luggage since becoming armour..." You got wheeled onto the train, still Ill-tempered as you had to use the handicapped bench all because of you. Ed didn't seem to mind, he was now almost alone with you. You heard a sharp rap on the window, and you saw Lieutenant Colonel Hughes, you exclaimed out, and Ed said "hughes!" He replies with a casual "Hey." He then said with a slight chuckle "The guys at HQ say they're too busy to come. So I came here instead to see you off. He then said with an aura (?)that says he remembered something "oh yeah, I have a message from Roy!" Ed rolled his eyes and you said "A message from that bastard?" Hughes recited "I won't allow you two to die in my jurisdiction, because it'd be a pain to clean up this mess." He then went back to how he usually sounds "that's what he said" you grinded your teeth. That little pest. Ed then said what the both of you were thinking "Fine. Tell him 'understood. I'd never die before you, colonel you bitchy idiot." Hughes broke out in laughter, and you giggled slightly, Ed blushing at how just CUTE AND PURE AND JUST ADORABLE *ahem* you sounded. Hughes then saluted you two, and you saluted back, Ed with his left hand seeing as though he didn't have his right. Along the train ride, you were telling Armstrong about Resembool, Ed finally brought up the courage to hold your hand, and you both fell asleep, heads against each other, and hands being held, your fingers laced in between one another's. You both woke up to the sound of Armstrong's booming voice. He was saying "DOCTOR MARCOH!! AREN'T YOU DOCTOR MARCOH?! IT'S ALEX LUIS ARMSTRONG FROM CENTRAL!" The doctor upon hearing this started running as fast as his legs would take him. Ed who had recovered first from the awkward blushing, and giggling said "Someone you know?" While you rubbed your eye. Armstrong said "YES...."  Softly, and then scratched his chin while saying "HE IS A SKILLED ALCHEMIST WHO WAS INVOLVED JN THE ALCHEMY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT AT CENTRAL... HE WAS STUDYING THE USE OF ALCHEMY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, BUT VANISHED DURING THE WAR." Ed's eyes had the adventurous look you knew all too well as he said firmly "Let's get off here." Armstrong sounded confused "HMH? DON'T WE NEED TO GO TO RESEMBOOL?" You were wheeling after Ed, yelling at Armstrong "COME ON! He said were going off!  Do you realize that if he used to do that kind of research, then he might know something about biological  transmutation to?!" After you both got off the train Edward said to Armstrong "Al is on, right?" Armstrong replied to Ed "of corse" then said to the station guard "Excuse me, we're getting off here. We need the baggage of one Alex Luis Armstrong, and the suit of armour for Edward Elric in the back." Soon enough, Al inside his crate was among you.  You cover your nose playfully and said "woah! Al, you smell just like sheep!" Al was glooming. "It's not my fault." Apparently he was in the livestock car, Armstrong worried he might get lonely. Ed had a nice little tantrum, that you calmed him down from by wheeling up behind him, and hugging his waist unexpectedly. He lost his balance, and fell into your lap, blushing bright red, you just giggled "Jeez, Ed" you said playfully "no need to be such a pervert." He chuckled, and leaned into your ear "come on, you liked it and you know it." You flushed a deeeeep red and Ed chuckled.  And you started your way to find Marco. Unknown by all of you are young woman was lurking on the train...  Listening to everything you just said. She had a dark black hair that waved,  Address that almost exposed her D cup breasts. Her hair was covering her left eye, and she stood with her arms crossed. Blow her collar bones was a tattoo.  It was the shape of an Ouraboris eating its own tail.  She had on a winter coat, presumably to cover up a little bit. She muttered in her   Soft voice "Dr. Marcoh... Well, well..." Meanwhile,  Edward was talking to a man with a goatee. He said "urhm... Excuse me were looking for someone who just passed by..." Armstrong cleared his throat, and showed a detailed picture of the man that walked by on the station. He said in his booming voice "HAVE YOU SEEN AN ELDERLY MAN WHO LOOKS LIKE THIS?" He pointed to the piece of art.  You looked at the drawing and wondered how he pulled that off? Ed said "You're a good artist, major..." Armstrong replied with "IT'S THE SKILL OF PORTRAITURE THAT'S BEEN PASSED DOWN THR ARMSTRONG LINE FOR GENERATIONS!"  You rolled your eyes. The  goateed mail said "oh that's Dr. Morrow!" Another man said "sure we know him"  Armstrong muttered under his breath "Morrow?"  One of the men said " as you can see, this isn't the richest town in the world. Most people here can't afford doctors, but Dr. Morrow treats people for free" an elderly male said "he's a good man!"  Another one with glasses said "he treats patients that most doctors would say don't have a chance to survive!" Another elderly man smoking a cigar nodded vigorously.  You tilt your head in confusion, and look to Edward. He was already staring at you, and blushed. He looked away quickly,  most likely so you wouldn't question.  You four Went to another location,  and a man with a mustache  that went down his face into a beard  said " it's true! When I got my leg stuck in the weed puller and almost died, he fixed it good as new!"  Along with an apron on, that Kinda reminded you of Trisha said " when he treats you well... It's like there's a flash of light and then you're healed!" Edward said "a flash of light..." You perked up and said "yes, it must be alchemy." Armstrong replied "SO HE'S BEEN HSING AN ALIAS AND HIDING OUT IN THE COUNTRYSIDE..." Al (can't forget he's there) said " but why? What's he hiding from?" Armstrong said "APPARENTLY WHEN THE DOCTOR DISSAPEARED, SOME OF THE TOP-SECRET RESEARCH MATERIAL DISSAPEARED TOO. IT WAS RUMOUTED HE STOLE IT AND RAN." You were walking up stares (or wheeling up a convenient ramp in your case) up to a house, that you were told belonged to this doctor. Armstrong was finishing up his thought at the top. "MAYBE HE THOUGHT WE WERE SENT TO BRING HIM BACK..."   And opened the door with a creaking sound. He said cautiously "Hello there? Anybody... " he then said "Home....?!"

~there. I owed guys a good chapter for all of the delay I caused you. I hope this was okay, and not too dull or boring. I hope to be writing chapter is a bit more frequently, and about this same length (wait, what am I saying?! I want shorter chapters!) i'm going to try to have at least a 30 day limit for my longer chapters. For my shorter ones, at least 15 days because I am just really really really uninspired right now, and because it's summer I'm just feeling really lazy and not wanting to do anything... But I will try to remember to keep writing this fanfiction. If you have any suggestions... Any suggestions at all, please just suggest them to me, so I can know what I can do to improve as an author. Thank you!!~


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