5 Down, 5 More To Go

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"So why couldn't you hang out last night again?" EunJi, one of my friends asked. She's a lot more confident than I am and almost rude with her commets.

"I can't tell you!' I said again, trying to avoid the conversation. We were sitting in the middle of the cafatieria with how many other people around us, I was not telling everyone about how my parents wanted me to be married, I didn't want to be looked at like Rachel and Tan.

"Did you go out with some one?" She asked lowering her voice and looking at me with cuorisity."You did! Who was it?" almost instantly people around us started talking about it saying things like " I can't believe she stayed out so late with some guy" and "I wonder who it is" other people were guessing.

I glared at EunJi and got up, putting my plate away and walking to class early. EunJi stayed and finished her food, but some one was following me. I didn't want to look though, they were probably just going to class too.

"Hey Kim HyunJu!" BoNa yelled behind me, obvoulsy upset about what happened yesterday.

"What?" I asked turning around, hoping this conversation wouldn't take long.

'Were you out with Chan Young last night?" she got closer ot me, as people started to poke out their head form random class rooms.

"No, and if I was, he would certainly tell you. So why are you asking me?"

Instead of answering my questions though she kept on going with hers "so who were you with then?"

UGh the same question, over and over again.

"Bo Na, why don't you just go and ask your dad for all the answeres? Or maybe just whine a little bit and you'll get your way" Young Do said coming out of no where.

"stay out of it Choi Young Do" Bo Na retorted coming even closer to me. Young Do tensed, coming forward as well. "Stay away from my boyfriend" Bo Na whispered, then walked away with that stupid fake pep in her step.

I rolled my eyes and went to my locker, as YoungDo followed. "What do you want?"

"So have you figured it out yet?" he asked coming closer to me, leaning his head towards me.

I backed away , grabbing my books and closing my locker, "That you're a creep? No I've known that for a long time" I said, walking away until he grabbed my hand, spinning me around.

"Just....Just tell me if you do?" he said, getting flustered.

I scoffed, walking away to my class, hoping I wouldn't have anymore drama for the rest of the day.


It hasn't been 5 minutes since I've been home when my mom calls out  to me saying we'd be leaving soon for another date.

Thankfully I didn't have any more drama after lunch, but whispers kept going about who I went out with. I saw Hyo Shin in the hall and we made brief eye contact. It was pretty awkward, a dim almost glad it didn't last longer. I say almost though, he is cute, and he seems nice but I don't know him that well so I don't have a solid opinion.

"Are you ready yet? We're going to be late!" My mom yelled from down stairs as I slipped over my cardigan over my shoulders.

"I'm coming!" I yelled grabbing my phone and a small bag before leaving my room. Ha Nuel was waiting outside my door, waiting to approve of my outfit. She did quickly and hurried me downstairs as my mom was already out the door.

"You have to punctual hyu ju. The people were meeting today are very picky about that. " my mom scolded me as my dad waved us off.

"Who are we meeting today?" I asked,not really expecting an answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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