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"Hyun Ju, Hyun Ju, your mom wants you" Ha Neul shook me awake.

Ugh mom again? What could she want?

Oh that's right, i didn't talk to her last night. Mostly because Hyo Shin got home pretty late, since we stopped at Kim Tans house. 'Something Really important' he said. It wasn't really important to me though. When we got out of the car we went inside and we saw Tan in a wreck. I don't know what happened and i didn't really want to ask. There was another guy there, i think it was his brother-Won- but i wasn't sure of that either. He looked saddened, but in a much better state than Tan was. Their father slammed a door right before we came in to see Tan and Won(?) sitting on some couches with 2 woman.

1 who looked incredibly smug but somehow she still came across as sympathetic to the 2 boys. THe other woman was standing infront of the door Mr. Kim had just slammed. She knocked a few times in a row and beckoned for him a few times, but then came to the realization that he wouldn't be coming out. That's when she sighed and met eyes with me. She looked panicked and left the room in a hurry, which made Tan look up and look at her sadly then look at Hyo Shin and I.

He looked down at the ground and i couldn't help but feel sad for both of them. Something obviously went down beofre we came. Things like that never really happened in my house.some useless quarreling and a few 'what ever jackass' here and there but nothign that left anyone like this. This is what they discribe as a 'disfunctional family'.Some extreme to that though.

It's strange because they always look happy when they're out in public, but it must be an act since behind the scenes there like this.

Tan rose from his place on the couch and came towards us, motioning for us to come outside with him.

"Sorry you had to see that" he said looking down and sniffing a little bit, still.

Hyo Shin cut to the chase though and came out blunt "so why did you text me 'come over now, it's urgent'?"

"well it's over now but i could still use your help, but it has to be" he glared at me"private"

Hyo Shin glanced at me then took his car keys out of his pocket and handed them to me with a nod towards where the car was parked. I took the keys and headed towards the gate but could still hear Tan say

" So this is what you mean when you say going out with your parents are awful? That girl looks pretty cute, i don't see why you were complaining so much today"

I couldn't help but smile at that commit. then a laugh came form Tans mouth after Hyo SHin said something to soft to hear. i shook my head and kept heading toward the gate, but when i got there i couldn't figure out how it worked.

It wasn't until i heard a "so are you going ot open it or are you just going to hope it opens with your magical powers" come from behind me with a deep voice.

I jumped a little bit, i'll admit it, btu how wouldn't when your tyrign not to look dumb openign a gate that looked like a 4 year old could open it? But, i turned around anyways , almost like a deer in the head lights look, and saw Tans brother. He was handsome but he didn't look happy at all, and that my presecnes was in the way and making him annoyed.

I stutered out a "It's dark out" before he stuck his arm out, flipped a switch and slid a piece of metal out of the way, making the gate open and pushing it further.

I blushed like an idiot and mummbled out an "Oh, thanks" and went through thanking the high heavens that it was dark and that there wasnt more than just him. after he went through after I did, he grabbed my arm gently and pulled me to look at him again. "What's your name?" he asked skeptically.

I could hardly pronounce the first syllable when Hyo Shin appeared and answered for me. "Kim Hyun Ju, Why?" He said , there was something in his voice though as he stopped beside me and glared at Tan's brother.

Hyo Shin didn't really wait for an answer though, he just took my hand and led me back to the car in forceful state. He opened the door like a gentleman and let me in but he almost slammed the door, and then actually did slam the door on his side after he spoke a few more words to Tan's brother. I didn't want to anger him anymore than he already seemed to be so we didn't really have a conversation until I was half way home.

Hyo Shin sighed and let out an exasperated "What was that?" with a tint of frustration.

I gulped not wanting to have this conversation, I guess I took to long to answer because he started to answer his question instead. He was mumbling though so I could only make out little phrases and words.

"ugh....bastard....what was he thinking....dysfunctional family....What street do you live on again?" He asked the last part more audible than the rest.

"Oh ah, turn here and then go down a few more blocks" I answered but I couldn't help wondering "who was that?"

"Kim Tan. You know him, he's in our class. He's having a difficult time right now, he inserts his feelings where normal people have the right mind to forbid them." He said reaching my house and stopping the car.

"no I meant the one who I was talking to, he seemed to be older..." I said, curiosity filling my voice. I turned to see Hyo Shin looking out at the road trying to avoid my question. "do you not get along?" I asked trying to somehow ease his mood.

"No, not recently. His name is Won. He's Tan's older brother.Now come on and go inside, your mother could be worrying about you." he replied, running his sentences together while he was talking so fast.

"Oh, okay. Good night" I said getting out of his car and waving at him. he waved back with a hint of a smile and waited until I was inside the gate to leave.

"What a Gentleman. He was weird though.." I commented to myself, preparing to be interrogated by my mom, Ha Nuel and Isuel about how late I stayed out with Ha Nuel.

"oh my gosh she's home! Come on Mrs. Kim and Ha Nuel!" Isuel squealed as I came though the door.


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