Chapter Two: How to Save a Life

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When I reach Dean, he's almost at the bottom of the pool. Wrapping my arms around his muscular torso, I try to kick towards the surface. Something tugs Dean back down. I let go of him but ignore my instincts that tell me to swim away, to leave Dean and save myself. Swimming to Dean's feet, i see nothing holding him down, and right as I turn up to try to save him again, something appears in the water. It looks like an old man, but he vanishes before i can get a closer look. Suddenly, Dean starts to struggle towards the surface. I grab him by his arm and help him swim up. When we both break the surface of the water, gasping and panting for air, Jess and Sam help pull us out of the pool.
After laying on the edge for a minute, i force myself to sit up. I turn to Dean, and gently shake him.
"Dean? Dean, are you ok?"
"I'm fine." He opens his eyes and sits up. With a wide grin, he says "Thanks for saving my ass." I grin and reply, "Any time."
Dean and Sam ask to talk to me again, after the paramedics deem that Dean and I are alright and need no further treatment.
"So, was that how it happened? A kid struggles, a lifeguard jumps in to save him, and just dies?" Sam asks.
"You know, you guys claim to be Joshes cousins, but you've hardly asked about him." I say innocently.
"Um..." Sam looks like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He looks at Dean, who is still sopping wet. Dean says to me.
"Sorry. We just wanna know the whole story. I think it's time we head out Sammy." I feel a pang in my chest that is totally unfamiliar.
"Oh, um, ok." I hastily scribble my number on a scrap of paper and hand it to Dean. "Call me if you have any more questions." They nod and slide out of the booth. They have almost reached the exit when I jump up and race towards them.
"Dean! Wait!" He turns around. "Dean, I think I was hallucinating because of lack of air, but, when I was down in the water, I saw this old man holding you down. I know it sounds crazy but I swear it's true!" I say frantically. Deans eyes are wide, and he says "thank you. That might help." He turns to Sammy and they leave. For some reason, I hate to see him go.
Several hours later, my shift ends. I go to the locker room to change. All the patrons and staff have left, and Jess and Angie went home early, so I think nothing of walking in and taking my shirt off, leaving me in only a bikini top and bottom. I pull my hair out of a ponytail and shake it loose. I catch my reflection in the mirror. I look the same as always. Light blonde hair, green eyes, a slim but muscular build. I'm short, only 5 foot. I start to sing and kind of do a little dance as I walk towards the showers. Thoughts of Dean fill my head. When I pull back the shower curtain, something jumps on and pins me to the floor. I let out a loud scream, and my assailant covers my mouth with one hand. He's sitting on my stomach, my arms pinned under his knees.
"Alison! Shut up! It's me, Dean." I stop struggling and hold still. It is Dean and he's got that grin on his face. He's in his leather jacket and looks sexy as hell holding a shotgun. He slowly moves his hand away from my mouth.
"Dean," I hiss at him. "What the hell are you doing in here? This is the women's bathroom! And get off me!" Dean slides off and I rub your arms. I self-consciously cover my breasts with my arms and cross my legs. I glare at Dean, waiting for an explanation.
"Look, Ali. You wouldn't believe me if I told you the truth. Plus you would be in danger. I just think we should forget this ever happened."
"No Dean. You're gonna tell me the truth or I'm calling the cops on you."
Dean turns pale and throws his hands up in exasperation.
"What is it with you?"
"I think I deserve the truth!"
"Fine! But you have to swear you won't tell anyone!"
"I swear."
"This pool was built on an old cemetery. Now the spirits of those who were buried there are drowning lifeguards to get revenge. I think they think if there's enough drownings, they'll shut down the pool."
I give Dean a skeptical look.
"Look, Ali. You said yourself you saw an old man, right?"
"Well, yeah."
"There you go."
Suddenly, Sam walks in. He grins seeing me practically naked and close to Dean. I take a few steps back and Sam says impishly: "Am I interrupting something?"
"Shut up." Dean says, turning red.
"But why are you doing this?" I ask Dean. "For Josh?"
"We aren't actually his cousins. We kind of do this for a living." Dean explains. "Look, just go home and everything will be normal in the morning."
Too creeped out to disobey, I grab my purse and head home.
The next morning, I pay special attention to your makeup and hair. I'm really hoping to see Dean Winchester again. Hoping I didn't dream him up, i head to work. When I get there, there's Dean and Sam, sitting on the hood of the beautiful Impala I saw yesterday. I walk over to Dean and smile. Sam gets in the car after winking at his brother.
"Hey," I say blushing.
"Hey," Dean responds grinning.
"Did you bust all the ghosts?" I ask.
"Yeah." Dean says. "You won't be having any more problems here."
"Great. Does that mean you guys are leaving?" I ask, hoping the pain isn't obvious in my voice.
Deans smile fades. "Yeah. We have to head to California."
"Oh. Well, um. I guess this is goodbye." I lean forward and kiss Dean on the cheek. "Thank you." Dean hands me a piece of paper. "My cell number." He mumbles.
"oh. Ok." I say. This is really awkward.
"You know, Alison, You're pretty badass for a girl. You could come with us." Dean says hopefully. "Join the hunt. You know. Savin people, hunting things. It's the family business." I smile, and think about it. I could just run away. Never look back. Be with Dean... But how stupid. I can't. I just can't. I don't realize I've spoke the last part out loud until Dean says:
"Okay. Well, until we meet again." He smiles tightly and climbs into the car. He revs up the engine and they pull away. I start to walk into work, and then suddenly run back to my car. I drive to my apartment at 10 miles over the speed limit. I stuff some clothes, wallet, toiletries, and a blanket into a duffel bag. I grab my emergency stash of cash and my cell phone. Punching in Deans number, I wait breathlessly. He picks up on the first ring.
Sucking in a breath, I say "I changed my mind."

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