Chapter Four: Dean vs Sam

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4. "I forgot to ask you, Alison. How old are you?" Sam asks.
"I'm 19." I respond curtly. I'm really not in the mood for chit chat with Sam.
"Wow! You're just a baby!" I grit my teeth and try to focus on John Winchester's notes about a wendigo.
"I'm 24, Dean's 28." Sam continues.
"Mm." I mumble.
Suddenly Dean snaps at Sam, "just leave her alone. She obviously doesn't wanna talk to you."
I feel bad. Ever since Sam told me about Deans playboy lifestyle, I haven't laughed at his jokes or responded to his flirting. The atmosphere in the car is very awkward. Dean puts on a Metallica cassette tape and nobody speaks for several hours.
It's getting late and soon I can't read the journal anymore because of the darkness. Dean pulls into a smal motel with a lit up vacancy sign. He turns off the car and heads for the trunk. I grab my duffel bag and exit the car, following Dean inside with Sammy on my tail.
"Room for three please. Two Queens." Dean slaps a credit card down on the table. The man behind the front desk picks up the card and glances at it.
"Right away, Mr. Evered." I raise my eyebrows at Dean, but he ignores me. When we get to the room, Dean doesn't even glance at me before saying "Alison showers first." I head for the small bathroom and turn on the shower. While I am waiting for the water to warm up, I overhear Dean and Sammy arguing.
"What the hell did you say to her Sammy? Ever since we stopped in Sliverthorne, she hasn't said a word!"
"I didn't say anything to her!"
"Cut the bull, Sam. I knew she was crying when she came outta that bathroom."
"I didn't say anything!"
"How about I ask her?"
"Gonna burst in on her shower Dean? She's nine years younger than you!"
"So? Mom was 6 years younger than Dad!"
"Then what are you waiting for? Go tell her you think she's hot, you two hook up and you can break up with her before breakfast!"
"I'm not gonna hurt her like that Sam."
"You're actually gonna date her? For more than a day?"
"I don't even know if she's into me Sam. And I don't wanna rush her or make her uncomfortable."
"Well, she's been in the shower for a while, why don't you check on her? Start your role as the part of the concerned boyfriend?"
"You like her, don't you Sammy?"
"Who wouldn't?" Sam grumbles.
I hear Dean's footsteps approaching, and i quickly jump into the shower and hastily shampoo my hair. When Dean knocks, I pretend not to hear.
Rushing through my shower, I accidentally cut my leg shaving. I brush it off and step out. I pull on a tight t shirt and some shorts. I step out into the room, and find the boys staring at me.
"Who do you wanna sleep with?" Dean asks.
"Excuse me?" I say blushing red.
"I meant like in the bed, to you know. Sleep." Dean says awkwardly. Sam snorts and heads off to the shower.
I walk past Dean and plop my bag onto the tiny couch. I pull out a brush and begin working on my hair.
"Ali, did Sam say something to upset you? Because you've been dead silent since Silverthorne." Dean asks me.
I don't really know how to respond, so I just say no.
"Come on. Alison, you ran away with me. You can trust me. Please, tell me what Sam said to you." Dean pleaded.
"He said you were a playboy and only asked me to join you so we could hook up and then you'd dump me." I say tonelessly. "And if I'm just an object to you, someone to add to your long list of ex lovers, then screw you, Dean Winchester!" I'm now yelling at him as loud as I can. "Screw you. Take me home. Now." I say. Dean looks shocked, and he kneels in front of me.
"Hey, calm down. That's completely wrong. Sam was just jealous. He just needs to get laid." Dean chuckles but stops when he sees I'm not amused. "Look, Sam was wrong. I'm sorry it upset you, but I invited you to come on this hunt because I knew you were a badass who can handle herself in any situation. I think you are incredible, and just you wait until you slay your first demon. Then you'll really feel alive. Come on Ali. Think about it tonight, and if you're still upset in the morning, I'll take you home. Okay?"
"Okay." I say.
Dean adds, "I'll sleep on the floor. You and Sam can have the beds."
At that moment, Sam comes out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. Dean walks up to him and punches him in the gut. Sam doubles over and Dean says, "if you ever hurt her like that again, you'll regret it."

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