Chapter 4

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(Levi's POV)

"So what are your skills?" one of the previous victors from our district asks. He introduced himself as Jack Tye. The other one is Kad Servier. They asked if Petra and I wanted to be mentored together and we agreed that we would. I want to protect her for as long as I can.

"We already know yours, Levi. But Petra, you trained, correct?"

"Yes, I did. I'm definitely not as good as Levi, but I'd have a chance if he wasn't here." I nudge her slightly to try to comfort her because she looks about to cry again.

"That's good. You still have a chance. No one knows what can happen in the arena. Even the most skilled of tributes can become overwhelmed by titans or othe tributes. The least skilled might be unbelievably lucky to the point where you think the Capitol is interfering." I guess his words comforted her, because her expression softens.

They talk to us some more, but it's mostly things I already know. I stay there for Petra. Eventually, they let us go to our rooms. I sit on my bed and stare at the pin my uncle gave me. I wonder why he whispered what the symbol was called in my ear. It's obviously a secret. The Wings of Freedom. Is it some group that wants to expand beyond the Wall? The Scouting Legion already does that mostly.

I eventually lay down and fall asleep with the pin clutched in my hand.


A knock wakes me up. I stretch a little before rising and opening the door. Petra stands in front of me.

"We're almost to the Capitol." Fear edges her voice.

"Let's go see it then." I step out of my room. I realize the pin is still in my hand when I take it out, I see it has left a small imprint of itself in my palm. I place the pin in my pocket and rub my hand on my shirt, attempting to make the symbol disappear.

Together, Petra and I walk down the hall to the main room where one wall is completely covered in windows. We kneel on a couch backward and peer outside. A huge city stretches out beneath us. I can't make out individual people, but I can see crowds of them at the base of the wall. The train comes to a stop eventually and the tributes from District 1 exit. We don't see them. Then the train moves forward a little and District 2 needs to get out. Petra and I follow our mentors out of the train and into an elevator. We emerge on the ground and cheering explodes in my ears. Petra manages to smile and wave, but I maintain an expression where I think of myself as higher than them, even though I'm shorter than most of them and probably look younger than I am.

We enter a car and sit in more plush luxury.

"It's so much bigger than District 2," Petra exclaims, peering out the window.

I just grunt in acknowledgement.

"Levi, I was wondering," Jack starts. I glance at him to indicate for him to continue. "It might be a good idea to pretend you two are in love. You were friends before and then you volunteered after she was chosen. That might look confusing to some, but if you give them the answer that you loved her, it might help you survive better."

"That's a good idea." Petra turns around.

"No it's not. How can I be the most lethal tribute and only be here because I want to save my love? I want to have the image that I want to win. I volunteered because I want to fight. Not because of some girl."

"You can still have that image. Tell everyone you were going to volunteer anyway, but you had a new reason because of her." Kad tries to convince me.

"No." I turn to look out the window and ignore everything else they say. We arrive at some building and get out. Now it's time to get prepped.

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