Midnight Dust

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After mom dropped me off at HRS, I did what the letter told me. Went to dorm 5, dropped off my bags, then headed to the main stable.

"Kelly Maring, Jessica Silmes, Mary Densen..." an older lady was calling out names, after she said them someone replied with a yes, or here. I'm guessing it's attendance. "Emily Peters, Hailey Summers..."

"Yes." I said sounding a bit nervous to speak even one tiny, little word in front of everyone. I noticed there was boys, and girls. About 20 boys, and 25 girls plus me. It took a while to take attendance, but then the older lady, about 40 started to explain HRS.

"Here is the main stable. Don't get too used to it, because this is only for now. Later on everyone will be split into girls and boys. Then there is a girl stable and boy stable." She stopped to think for a moment. "Everyone will get to pick a horse from the pen outside of this stable. Once you have chosen a horse, go to an instructor and they will lead you to that horse's stable. There will be a brush, and the horse's saddle and reins. Please brush the horse fully, then tack up.

"Right now, though, you will be meeting your roommates. Each dorm has three boys or girls to a room. Don't worry about picking a bed yet, you'll get to after your done building a good relationship with your horse.

"Oh my!" the lady said in a shock. "I have totally forgotten to introduce myself. "I am Mrs.Pondded, and I will be your main instructor for the couple of weeks you will be staying here!" She gave a quick smile and continued. "Dorm 1 for girls will be Hannah Glocks, Marilyn Shoine, and Jessica Silmes. Next is dorm 2 with Mary Densen, Anna-lee Howls, and Jamie Bright..." She went on with the names, and I tried to remember them all. When it got to dorm 5 I stood up a little.

"And in dorm 5 there is Emily Petere, Hailey Summers, and Kelly Maring..." After that I was happy, because they seemed like nice names, anyway.

After Mrs.Pondded called on everyone, even the boys, she asked us to all introduce ourselves to everyone. I could see some people going to meet up with friends, and say 'hi, how are you'. So I decided to try and and find Emily, and Kelly.

I was saying hi to lots of different people, but none were my dorm mates. Finally someone came up to me, and said "Hi, I'm Kelly. I heard you say your name was Hailey, my roommate?" The girl had dark brown hair, almost like mine, but way, way darker. Her eyes were such a solid, dark brown. I almost thought that they were black, but the sun shone on them and I saw they were dark brown.

"Ya, um... I'm Hailey, ya, I mean yes, I am Hailey." I stuttered as I spoke. I also felt really embarassed, because she was so perfect with speaking, and I was just so lame with it.

After she said 'bye I'm gonna go meet other people' I just thought she wanted to get away from me.

Soon after she left a taller boy with blonde hair walked up to me and said "Hey! I'm Alex, what's your name?" His eyes were light blue, gazing into my emerald green eyes.

"Uh, I'm Hailey." I said back as he bumped into me because someone was being chased as a game.

"Oh! Sorry about that." He said backing away from me.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault."

"Bye, I've gotta go get him back." he said running over to his, friend I think.

In some way I wished he'd kiss me, or fall in love with me at first sight. But he's too cute to go for someone like me.

Later we went into the pen outside of the stables. There were kinds of horses. Brown, chestnut, grey, white, black. I couldn't decide, but I remembered how black horses look so majestic. So I went over to a fully, black horse with no white on his forehead, or around his hooves. His main, and tail were pitch black too. I grabbed his rein, and took him over to one of the instructors. She showed me to his stable. I put him in and looked at him portfolio. His name was Midnight Dust. he liked the horses named Shimmer, Lightning Bolt, and Stella. That means he should be near them in the girl stables, if one of the girls picked one of these horses.

I heard a younger looking boy say 'Awesome! I got a horse named Lightning Bolt'. Well there goes nothing. I thought to myself. One down two to go!

I opened the stall, and grabbed the brush off of the shelf with all of his stuff on it that he needed. Like his brush, a couple carrots, and his saddle. I took the wooden brush and started to slide it down his neck. Obviously the carrots were there for a reason, so as I brushed I gave Midnight a carrot. He seemed to like carrots, so when I was done brushing I gave him another one. Later I tacked Midnight Dust up, and asked an instructor what to do next. She told me to put him in his stall and wait on the chair beside it. So I did, but then I got bored, so I went into his stall and petted him softly, and gently. Some others were done too, so I when I was done petting Midnight, I went over to someone I knew. Kelly.

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