Part 2

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The day was uneventful up until lunch. And even lunch isn't that eventful. You usually don't get lunch but today you decide to because you skipped breakfast. You stand in the line next to John, not talking about anything in particular while you buy your lunch. He stumbles a bit and his milk falls off of his tray. You reach to pick it up and your hand brushes his as he reaches for it at the same time...

And all of a sudden you see a bright flash of light. 'What the hell?!' Was the only thing you could think. It was the brightest thing you've ever seen and now you have a splitting headache because whatever it was went off like a camera flash and went away. You pull your hand away like it was burned and double over clutching your head. 

"Are you alright?! What's wrong Dave?"John asks, sounding worried. "Do you need to go to the nurse?" You nod slightly and he helps you up, abandoning your lunches. You walk slowly but get there in no time and he helps you lie down on the counter. 

"Hi, Ms Lalonde? Dave isn't feeling well, I think it would be best for him to go home and lie down." He says, explaining the situation. 

"Alrighty. What's wrong, if I may ask?" She inquires. "Looks like it's your head."

"Headache." You mutter, nodding. 

"Mk. I'll call someone to pick you up." She dials your Bro's number and he says he'll be there in a few. John sits and waits with you for Bro and you sit and attempt to nurse your headache. When he gets to school, Bro immediately grabs you and carries you out to the car so he doesn't have to talk to anyone. Ms Lalonde is known to be a bit... flirty. And chatty. 

As soon as you get home you go straight to your room and go to sleep. 

-     -     -     -     -     -

You wake up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom then shuffle into the kitchen to grab a bottle of apple juice, headache having subsided. You chug the apple juice then go back to bed and quickly fall asleep. 

-     -     -     -     -     -

The next morning when you wake up Bro comes to your room to check on you. "I'm fine man, I'm gonna get ready to go to school." 

"Alright lil man. See ya later." He says, walking out of your room. 

You get dressed and grab a poptart from the kitchen and start walking to school. 

You walk into homeroom and are immediately greeted by John. He runs up to you as soon as you walk in. "Dave! Are you feeling alright today? What happened yesterday?" 

"Hey, chill out man. I'm fine, but I honestly have no idea what happened yesterday. Did you find the rest of your classes yesterday?" 

"Yeah, I asked a few of the teachers where the others were and they helped me out."

"Ok, cool." You go sit down and wait for class to start. John sits next to you and you start talking about random stuff. You ended up exchanging numbers and talking about hanging out after school later in the week. Class starts without either of you noticing and you continue talking. The teacher sees you still talking and yells at you. "STRIDER. EGBERT. OFFICE, NOW!!" He shouts, pointing at the door. You both sigh and walk out of the room towards Ms Crocker's office. 

When you get into her office, she's just hanging up the phone. "Hello Mr Strider. So, talking in class, huh? Well, there's worse things to be sent in for." She says with a laugh. 

"Yeah... heh." You reply, looking over at John. You like to think you're pretty good friends with Ms Crocker, and apparently she thinks so too, because she calls your Bro to have him pick you and John up, letting John call his dad. 

"Yeah Dad, school got out early today, can I go to my friends house?" There's a pause as he listens to the reply. "Ok, thanks Dad. I'll call you when I'm coming home. Bye."

"That sounded like it went well." You say. 

"Yeah, he's pretty chill." He replies. 

Bro gets there shortly after and takes you both to your house. 

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