I fastened the pace to a slow run but after 20 minutes of not getting tired, I fastened it again, and after another 20 minutes a still not getting tired, I put it the machine full speed, but it felt like I was walking!! It was so damn easy! I'm not even sweating! After running for another 30 minutes on the machines full speed, I decided to stop. This is obviously not working. I climbed off and turned around to see a crowd around me with their mouths open.

I was shocked of the crowd... why was there a crowd? I smiled awkwardly and then it was like everyone snapped out of a trance. One girl came walking forward. She was wearing a pair of short shorts; it was so short that I’m sure that if she bows you could see her ass... She wore a tank top that was 2 times too small for her, so her boobs pop out slightly and you can see her belly button ring.

I smirked because I knew she was one of those popular girls like Christina. When she saw me smirking she glared at me. "How do you do that and why the hell are you smirking you b****!" She said, her voice sounded like cat claws being dragged across a black board.

I chuckled at the thought. And she started to shake with anger. "I have no idea what you are talking about. And I was smirking because I realized that you are one of those sluts that don’t care how disgusting they look. And I chuckled because your voice sounds like cat claws being dragged across a black board, no wait I’m sorry that wasn't right. It's worse"

Everyone gasped when I finished speaking, their eyes wide with shock. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. After she realized I insulted her she stepped forward and attempted to smack me across the face... BIG MISTAKE

When she saw I stopped laughing and that my face looked serious and that my lips were in a thin line, she took a step back in shock and fright. "Y-y-your e-e-eyes" OH that’s why she looks frightened. I smirked at her, she actually stuttered. "Oh what colour are they?" I asked sweetly. She recovered from the fright "It's your own eyes shouldn't you know what colour they are? Or are you to busy fu**ing men to even look at your eyes"

I gave a short laugh and took a step forward which made her take a step back in fright. "You're one to speak Sweetie, I even think you have your clothes off more than they are on" Everyone gasped again. She shook with raze and lifted her leg to kick me, but I side stepped, easily dodging her kick. She gasped. "H-h-how did you m-m-move that fast"

This time I looked confused. What is she talking about? I just stepped to the left, didn't I? "I just stepped to the left. I wasn't fast at all Sweetie" Before she could reply, a tall man with dark jeans and a black shirt stepped forward. He had Black hair and Emerald coloured eyes. He wasn't too bad looking. He looked about 40 years old.

"What is going on here?" His voice spoke with authority; everyone bowed their heads for some reason, even the slut. I gave him a sweet smile and his eyes widened. Then instead of a sweet smile I gave a 1000 watt smile everyone gasped and all the men fell to the ground because of my smile. The girls stared at the men and gasped. Then they stared daggers at me. But the man didn't faint like the rest. He cleared his throat.

"My lady can you please explain why you and Tony were fighting and why are the boys on the ground suddenly?" I nodded my head and gave him another sweet smile "Sir I was just running a bit and when I was finished she came to me and started insulting me, so I insulted her back. But I won the fight with mouths so she got frustrated and attempted to kick me but she was to slow. I just dodged. And then you appeared and honestly I have no idea what happened to the boys" I gave a slight shrug as if it didn't matter.

Suddenly at the corner of my eye I could see 'Tony' I think, try to punch my face as I finished speaking. I ducked and ran to behind her put her arm behind her back, pushed up until I heard I start to whimper and cry 'STOP'.

Specially mixed #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now