Chapter 19

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Tessa's P.O.V

I lay next to Amber, and stare thoughtfully up at the ceiling. Glow-in-the-dark stars cover the whole ceiling. I remember when mom would buy them for me.

I loved everything about the universe when I was younger. I loved the way that the Stars seemed to sparkle and shine. The way that the moon always seemed to follow me. The way that I could wish-upon-a-star.

I always seemed to love Pluto so much. Even if it wasn't scientifically a planet, it was in my six-year-old eyes.

" Twessa?" a soft voice breaks the silence of the night.

I glance to the side of me, and smile as Amber's big, blue eyes look Back at me. I take a look at her bruised face and clench my teeth together.

" Yes, Princess?"

" Is the bad man gone?" she look up at me with a hopeful look in her eyes.

" Yes, Princess. He can't hurt you anymore," I press a gentle kiss on her forehead. She smiles crookedly and closes her eyes.

I wait until her breathing evens out to tip-toe out of the room.

" Where are you going?" I immediately recognize the voice as Jake's.

" To my house. I'll be back by morning. I have a few things to sort out," I say truthfully.

His eyebrows furrow in concern while his eyes show anger and hate for my father.

" I'm coming,"

" No."

" Yes."


Jake sighs and unexpectedly pulls me in for a hug. He wraps his arms around my waist while I awkwardly stand with my arms dangling at my sides. After a couple moments, I relax and wrap my arms around him.

" I'm sorry... For everything," he kisses the top of my head. I realize what he's talking about and stiffen, pulling away from him.

" I swear I'll be safe," I promise him. He nods with a frown. Jake hands me his keys to his truck.

I take a deep breath when I buckle my seatbelt.

I can do this.


I silently pick the lock since I don't have my keys. The door creaks open and I cringe. Silent. No sound. Nothing. Way too quiet.

I stride to the room we used to sleep in and rip into my lump pillow. It's filled with the cash I've earned from street fighting. I used to go three times a week for a year.

I've earned about a hundred-thousand dollars. If dad found it, he would've used it for booze or God knows what. It's just enough to buy us two plane tickets, an apartment, clothes, and food.

But, only for a month or two. I mean I still need to buy Amber school stuff. I'll have to find a new place to fight. That's gonna be a pain in the a**.

I stuff my duffle bag with all of our clothes and her favorite teddy-bear that mom gave her.

" Look who finally decided to show her ugly face," a familiar voice speaks in disgust behind me. That's something a snobby teenager would say.

I quickly hide the money in the pocket of my sweatshirt.

I turn around emotionlessly and face an angry Father. And, he's surprisingly sober.

" Get out of my way, Robert," I try to move past him but, his body shields the door.

" Not until you give me my damn daughter," he growls, growing frustrated. I internally roll my eyes.

" Some father," I scoff. I can't believe that he thinks that I'll just hand her over.

" You will NOT take away another loved one away from me," He shouts at me. The words hurt but, I know that I didn't kill my mother. It wasn't my fault.

" You are not my or Amber's father. As far as I know, you're a stranger," I harshly state. And just like that, he breaks.

He sinks to the ground sobbing, begging me not to go. I walk around him out the door. For all I know, he's just acting.

I don't know him anymore.

And, just like that my heart breaks just a little more.

I don't know how much more I can take.

I'm breaking.

Author's Note

One More Chapter Left!
The picture at the top is of Amber.
I've had a lot of free Time lately.
Hope you guys liked this chapter.

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