Untitled Part 7

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A panic attack is a sudden surge of overwhelming anxiety and fear. Your heart pounds and you can't breathe. You may even feel like you're dying or going crazy. That how i feel. I feel like the air isn't getting in me, i feel like my heart and mind are about to explode, i see blurry faces and things but nothing comes to focus. I felt arms wrap around me and put me in the car, laying me down. I stayed silent trough out the whole ride, the only sound in the car was my slightly labored breathing and Rose's soft sniffles

"do you want to stop and eat some burgers? We can stop an-", i shock my head softly at Damon, looking at my fingers whispering softly

"no.. im okay... thanks"

Damon sighted but didn't say anything else, his hands gripping onto the steering wheel. Curling into myself i gripped onto the seat closing my eyes tight. Sniffling softly i took a deep breathes in calming myself down slightly. The rest of the car ride was silent, and im sure i fell asleep in the middle of it because when i came back to my senses i was in my room in the boarding house. Carefully getting out of bed i dragged myself into the bathroom and took a shower. Letting the water ease my muscles, and letting the silent tears go down my face. After the shower i grabbed some clothes and changed into them, i walked down to the kitchen and grabbed some junk food and a bottle of wine before sitting down on the living room putting my tablet on the table and putting Doctor Who on. I sat there for about an hour before Damon came downstairs. 

"what are you doing?"

"im just.. here, you?"

"i just got... here. Are you okay?"

"nice... and yeah... im fine, you?"

"okay enough of this, get up."


"get up Grace!"

"Leave me alone!"

"you asked for it", i let out a scream as Damon picked me up over his shoulder walking outside.

"let me go Damon! I swear to god, im gonna die soon and you don't want me to be happy?!"

You know those moments in teenage movies where the girl and the guy are in an argument, and one of them steps over the line and it seems like the world just stops and the girl wants to take what she said back but she can't, that's exactly what this moment was. Damon carefully set me back down on the floor and watched me with a look in his eyes that i couldn't understand. Then a couple of seconds later we were both back inside the couch, me on the couch and Damon standing in front of me.

"you are not going to die, Grace. Me and the rest of the gang are not going to let you die", smiling a bit i shrugged, my mind already set and at peace with the idea that i was going to die.

"its okay Damon, i'm at peace with it already. Loo-"

"No! You- you just cant be "at peace with it"!! You just can't give up and be ready to die!", sighting i put my hands on each side of Damon's face, making him look at me in the eyes.

"Damon, stop. It's okay... everything's going to be fine, you don't need to worry"

I kept on looking into his eyes, a weird feeling going trough my body before i felt him relax completely. I took a step back slightly dizzy before falling back into the couch, tired. Damon blinked and took a step back looking at me shocked, before appearing next to me pressing a hand against my forehead and the other one where my heart beat is.

"what did.. how did you.."

"its something Passengers like her can do. They can control your emotions, with some training she can do that with just making eye contact",

I looked up at Rose tired and nodded a bit before laying down on the couch trying to sleep. Damon shock his head and carefully picked me up before rushing out and into my room setting me down on the bed carefully. I made a small noise before snuggling into my blanket and pillow, drifting to sleep, happy i was actually home.


Salvatore Boarding House. Living room. Midnight.

"I wish we could save them... save Grace... I know that you want to"

"and i will.", Rose smiled and slightly shock her head walking towards Damon.

"you remind me of Trevor. Both of you remind me of Trevor and me..."

"why? why him?"

"because Trevor, even with all his big talk and cold bad boy persona, but under neath it all he was the best friend anybody could have. Then Grace... Grace would follows you anywhere, you know. Her loyalty for you is the best anybody could ask for, the best you could ask for."

"but where did that get him?"

"dead... and my loyalty to him almost got me too", Damon looked up at Rose after giving her, her drink. His eyes betraying his cold demeanor.

"to friendship", Rose smiled and took a sip of her 

"your right to fight it, believe me they all need to be more like you..."

"and why is that?"

"because if you want to survive you can't care for anybody... so it might be a good time to turn the switch off on your emotions"

Damon stopped and looked at Rose. Who watched him with so may emotions in her eyes, but the one that stood out the most was respect. Respect for how he was and what she knew he was doing to himself to keep Grace and Elena safe. Damon broke the silence, meeting her eyes again.

"i will, if you will"

In one sudden move both Rose and Damon were standing in the middle of the living room, eyes locked on each other, before they kissed. Damon pressing Rose against the wall, his lips locked on hers, and they spent the night away.


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