Untitled Part 2

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Groaning softly i shifted a bit not wanting to open my eyes, tired. Letting out a soft noise, before forcing my eyes to open. Sitting up carefully, i looked around confused but trying not to panic any more than i already was. Taking in some breathes i carefully got up but fell back down, hissing in pain holding onto my ankle. Taking a look down at it i groaned and curled into myself in the sofa i was in, hearing someone walk inside the house. Sitting up carefully i watched a man walk in with Elena in his arms. I watched and waited for him to back away before pulling her into me trying to calm her down as the guy started taking off his cloves and hat. Looking up at him i watched him finally managing to have the courage to talk.

"what do you want?"

"shh", moving back i watched him take away the ropes of Elena.

"please im hurt", i watched him carefully tensing up next to Elena, ready to jump on him if he tried anything.

"i know", letting my eyes i widened is tarted pushing him back and then let out a small scream in pain as he pushed me off and to the floor, making me land on my wrist

"don't worry. Just a taste", letting out a scream, i turned away quickly not wanting to watch.

"Trevor! Control yourself."

Letting out a small sigh in relief, i whimpered as he got out of the couch picked me up and trowed me down next to Elena, his eyes roaming stopping on my legs before smirking and walking away, muttering something nuder his breath about being a buzz kill.

"what do you want with me?", taking in a sharp breathe i inched away from both of them. 

"my god you look just like her..."

"but im not... please if i c-"

"be quiet"

"but im not Katharine. My name is Elena Gilbert. You don't have to do this.."

"i know who you are. I said be quiet"

"what do you want...", i gasped wide eyed as she slapped Elena, making her pass out on the sofa again, i looked back up at her.

"i want you to be quiet. Are you gonna make noise?"

Shaking my head slightly i watched her nod, and walk out of the room. I carefully moved closer to Elena, pressing my hand against her neck, sighting in relief when i found a heart beat, and i moved her carefully trying to make her more comfortable waiting for her to wake up. I sighted and looked up as i heard voices. Looking around i carefully moved Elena, getting her to wake up before carefully getting up and making our way to the door.

"so that's it Trevor. He either got it or he didn't, we just have to wait.

"its not to late, we can leave them here! We don't have to go trough with this!", i avoided the creaks in the floor, watching them argue about Elijah, and wondering why they were hiding from him

"im sick of running"

"yeah well running keeps us from dying!", motioning Elena closer, i carefully got outside, making sure not to step on the creaking board in front of the door.

"Elijah's old school if he accepts out deal were free", 

I watched Elena, my eyes widening as she stepped on the creaky board, making them know we were trying to escape. Trevor appearing right behind me and the woman walking right in front of Elena.

"There's nothing around here for miles. Either of you think your getting out of this house your wrong"

"who's Elijah?"

"....he's your worst nightmare"


300 miles away. Mystic Fall's High School.

"we can map an aerial view, it will show us whats around that. Help us narrow down the area."

"Perfect. call me whatever you find"

"no no,im coming with you"

 "no your not"

"i cant just sit here, what if shes hurt! What if shes-"

"Shes not. You two go home, ill call you when everything's over."

"you cant do this alone!"

"he's not. Lets go"

"your coming with me.."

"it's Elena.. and im sure you all forgot about Grace. She wasn't home nor at school. They took her also. Don't worry though, i'l let her down easy on how you forgot she existed"


about 80 miles away, road to the abandoned house. Car.

"lets talk about it"

"there's nothing to talk about"

"yeah there is, are you in this car because you want to help your little brother save the girl he loves, or because you love her to. I mean come on express yourself, i happen to like mm road trip bonding.."

"keep it up Stefan ,i can step out as easily as i stepped in.

"nope. That's the beauty of it, you cant"

Damon glances over at Stefan, who was looking at him with a knowing smile. Damon shock his head and turned to look at the road. Elena was the reason he decided to help, but he hated how they always left out Grace. 

"You seem to forget that Elena wasn't the only one taken Stefan

"So you love Grace, im okay with that Damon but isn't she a-"

"i don't love her like that Stefan. She's like the little sister i never wanted. Maybe you and the gang should remember she's in fact human, and plays as much of a role in this as the rest of us."


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