Part 1

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Your name is Dave Strider and you have never felt more empty and alone in your whole life.

==> Dave: Walk to school. 

You say bye to Bro even though he's not in the room, but you know he heard you. As you walk out the door you put your headphones in and begin walking to school. You notice it's getting a bit windy and put your hood over your head. At that same moment, a large gust of wind makes you almost fall over, so you pull your hoodie tighter around yourself, lean into the wind, and continue walking.

You manage to make it to school without falling over, but as you're walking towards the door, someone bumps into you and you fall backwards. 

"Hey, what the fuck?!" You yell at the person, then notice that he had fallen as well and dropped all of his things. He was flustered now and scrambling to pick everything up. 

"...I'm really sorry I'm just so clumsy I'm new here sorry I wasn't paying attention..." he says, quickly spewing out a string of apologies.

You laugh and start helping him pick up papers. "It's cool man. You said you're new here?" He nods. "I could show you around if you want. I'm Dave, by the way." You say, sticking out your free hand for a handshake. 

"I'm John." He replies. "I would shake your hand but... my hands are sorta full..." He gestures toward you with his books. 

"That's cool. I can help you out with your stuff if you want." You pick up the last handful of papers and start walking inside, holding the door open for him. "So what's your first class? Do you know?" 

"Oh, uh... No." He says shyly, blushing lightly.

"Ok, let's go to the principal's office then. We can ask what your classes are and I'll show you where they are." You say, walking towards her office. "Alright." He says, following you. "I can organize my papers and books when we get there."

When you get to her office you knock on the door then open it. "Hello, Ms Crocker?" You say, opening the door completely. "There's a new student. He doesn't know what his classes are." 

She looks up from what she's doing and smiles at you. "Ah, Mr Strider. And you must be John Egbert." She gestures toward him. 

"Yes ma'am." He replies and sets his papers and books on a chair. You set the other papers on top of his stack and he begins organizing them while Ms Crocker looks up his classes. She prints out a paper and hands it to you. "Will you show him around Mr Strider?" She asks you. 

"Yeah, sure. No problem." You take the paper from her and walk out to the hallway. He follows you out and you look at the paper. "Oh, hey. You have all the same classes as me. This'll be easy then. Just walk with me whenever we switch classes, alright?" 

"Ok, cool." He says, following you to the first class. 

Colors (JohnDave)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora