Masquerade Bliss

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Masquerade Bliss [Book 2/3, Sequel of Masquerade Kiss]

Author: Explosively

Views: 71.6K

Votes: 3.2K

Comments: 1.71K

After the whole world found out about her fake relationship with teen heartthrob, Blake Ryan, Mikayla Tracer is now the face of the most hated girl in the world. And to make her situation worse, her best friend had betrayed her, her best guy friend has given up on her, and the guy she had fallen in love with has abandoned her for his everlasting fame. She doesn't know what to do; there's no one to turn to. To escape her mess, she disguises herself.With a new name, new friends, and a new boy in her arms, Mikayla finds herself happy...for once in her life. She has started fresh, and there's nothing that can stop her now. But how long can her masquerade last before someone discovers her little secret and her true identity?

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