Anxiety Attack

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Anxiety Attack

Author: 11tay99

Views: 10.6M

Votes: 405K

Comments: 172K

In which a girl can't go a day without an anxiety attack and a boy can't go a day without noticing


It's a story about a girl, Finley Collins. She shuttered easily and can't stand public stares or when the attention was drawn to her. One day, a boy named Eli with the bad boy look- lip piercing and a tattoo- noticed her and began to be friends with her and help her to deal with her anxiety. He calmed her down, shares each other's secret and maybe their friendship could blossom to something else. (Sorry I can't make a good description... but the book's really good and it'll worth your time reading) 

Thank you @MintGreene23 for your suggestion!

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