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*Zayn's POV*

He walked out of the shop and I looked at his small perky ass. He was so cute. I added my tip in the jar. And he's 16 roughly 17. And is he really 5'7? He just has a cute baby face. Honestly looked so delicate.

"Hello." The woman in front of me said waving her hand in my face.

"That's disrespectful." I said taking the cans dumping it in the weigher.

"Well if you were listening I don't think that I'd have to do that now would I?" She asked.

Okay so since she wants to piss me I'm going to piss her off.

"I'm sorry my apologies bag or bucket?" I asked her.

"Bag." She said.

"Well would you like the new bags or the old bags, not implying that I think you would like old bags because you look like one, these just might be more familiar to you since these bags are from like a different time period." I said and she grew red and clenched her teeth.

"Old bag or new bag, old hag." I said. "Oh my that slipped I meant old bag. Would you like one?" I asked her and she grew madder.

"I would like to speak to the manager." She said.

"Sorry boss man is not in right now can I take a message?" I asked smiling and scooping her candy into one of the old bags.

"No." She said snatching the bag from me.

"Excuse me ma'am. See there is supposed to be an exchange here if you didn't know. Money for candy, I believe that's known everywhere. So that means you have to actually give me the money before I give you your candy." I said slowly and she threw a 20 at me and turned on her heels walking away madly.

Well don't piss me off moral of the story.

Now back to my thoughts while no customers at the moment are here to interrupt and annoy the living shit out of me.

Back to the blonde. Gosh now that I think about it I didn't even get a name. Surely he will be back... I did give him a free ring lolly and we don't sell ring lollies here. It's apart of my secret stash behind the counter. It's not like I usually give away my secret stash to a cute boy all the time. I've only just gave it to him. Wow now he's considered special. I gave no thought into it. Well actually let me stop lying because I give thought into everything.

I pushed it to the side. I'll think about it when I get home. But he's cute, delicate, innocent. No he's adorable. He's taking so much space in my mind already. Ugh knowing me this will not escape my mind.

A girl walked up to me smiling and putting a pail of candy on the counter.

"Hi." She said.

"Hi." I said and she leaned her elbows on the counter.

"What's your name?" She said.

Oh god. Am I that attractive? Why can't I bring any boys to my yard? Fuck these girls, but of course I went along with it so she can probably give me a tip.

"Zayn. And yours, love?" I asked and she blushed.

"Ashley." She said and I smiled showing my pearly whites.

"What a beautiful name." I said causing her to blush again.

"Thank you." She said.

"Would you like a bag or bucket?" I asked.

"What would you reccomend?" She asked.

Damn bag or bucket what's so hard about making that decision by yourself.

candy [Ziall AU] (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now