Delirious Dreams

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I start running and I fall ahh my leg I look and its bleeding. The hyena's look at me and start growling I get up and just take it. Then whence I ran they started running. The top of the moutain is not that far away. I look and a hyena is coming closer and closer. I pick up a thick stone and throw it at its head it moans in pain. Then the rest start running for me. I start running to the top I see the lighting bolt on the rock as I get closer and closer. They are right behind me. One jumps on my back I fall on the floor and it bites my shoulder. I scream in pain and I start start crawling the bolt it just two steps away. Another one bites my leg ahh. I reach my hand out and grab the lighting bolt. And just as hyena was about to bite my face he turned into dust. And the other ones turned into dust to.

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