
Why did she have to do that.. Why did she have to kiss me? I know it wasnt a proper kiss, and to her it meant nothing, but to me it did, and i would be thinking about it all day. I turned and looked at my phone, it was 11am already. It was probably time to get up and do something but i didnt want to. I didnt feel like doing anything ever again.

I felt manny move under the covers. At least no one would ever take him away from me, he was my little boy, no one else's, especially not Cristiano Ronaldo's. "I love you papai" manny said from under the covers. I hugged him tighter. "I love you too" i said. "Come on lets go get some food"

I carried him into the kitchen where Dani and Adriano were sat reading the newspaper together. They put it down and looked up at me. "Bom dia" they smirked together
"Oh i forgot you two were here" i said confused
"Charming!" Dani laughed
"Manny come sit with us, look theres pictures of us in the newspaper!" Adriano said. Manny climbed up on to his lap and began looking through the pictures of la liga fianl.

I was pouring some juice when i noticed Dani staring at me with his smug face. "What is it?" I sighed
"You know we may have been drunk for the majority of last night, bit we can still tell whats going on" he said.
"What are you on about?" I asked
"Yo sin ti, tú sin me, dime quien puede ser feliz" dani sung at me
" esto no me gustaaaa" Adriano added on the end
"Guys come on" i sighed
"Alright alright" dani said inocently "I'm just saying, this doesnt make sense to me"

After half an hour of eating away all my food to cure their hangovers and talking crap dani and Adriano decided to call a car and go back to their houses.


"You can just drop me here" i said as Rafaella turned down my street. We had been chatting the whole way from Neymars house, mainly about Manny and i was realizing what a nice girl she was. "Okay sure" she said pulling in to a space near the sidewalk "Well thanks for the ride home" i smiled opening the door.
"No problem" she replied warmly "and seriously, call me whenever you need someone to look after Manny, he's too adorable!" She giggled. "I will, he was telling me how much fun he had with you guys last night" i replied laughing. We hugged goodbye and i jumped down out of the car. She waved goodbye before driving off back towards Neymar's house.

I walked down the street towards my apartment building, it was about midday and was quite hot. As i walked, i could hear a load of laughing and shouting coming from an alley way up ahead. I rolled my eyes and laughed, I knew exactly who it was. As i got level with the alleyway i looked down it and sure enough there was pedro and his gang doing probably something illegal. "Yo carla!" Pedro shouted when he saw me
"Hey p" i shouted back
"Girl come here!" He shouted souding happy to see me

I walked down the alleyway and greeted him and the rest of his boys. They were probably taking a break from "doing business" as they called it. "How you doin then Carla, its been ages" pedro said
"Im doing fine i guess" i shrugged "how have you guys been doing?" I asked
"Cant complain" he smiled "we're just getting ready for the big summer tourist season, got a shipment of you know what coming in later this week and the basement is full fake designer brands that have just arrived, i'll let you take a few things if you want, i think we've got some of the type of Louis Vuittons you always told me you liked"
"Aww thanks p" i smiled
"Hey, im looking out for you alright" he shrugged "anyway wheres little Manolo? I havent seen him for weeks, ive got a fake little Ralph lauren for him somewhere "
"Oh he's with his father" i replied with out thinking
"What?!" Pedro and all the boys said in unison
"Oh yeah you guys dont know do you.." I said awkwardly
"I think we've got some catching up to do" pedro laughed "come on lets go inside"

We walked in to the house. This was were Pedro and most of his guys lived and also were they did business from, but they could all easily afford a place in a nice part of the city, they preferred this area. I noticed there was a new massive flat screen tv put up on the wall. "Woah this is nice!" I exclaimed looking at it
"I know right, Javi and Pepe got it last week for la liga final last night" he smirked
"From where.." I asked not really wanting to know the answer
" some fancy penthouse" javi shrugged not really caring
"Seriously.." I laughed rolling my eyes "have you guys never heard of the word store?"
"What?!" He protested "the guy who we took it from is some rich business man who lives in Madrid most of the year, he wont even know its missing! Plus we didn't even break in, security let us in because i said we were here to replace the tv, its not stealing if no one bothers to stop you" he said matter of factly
"Javi im not sure thats how it works.." I began
"We are not getting into this argument again" pedro laughed leading me away.

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