Chapter 1 : What Happened To Us!

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Dipper (P.O.V)

"MABEL NOOOO!!!" I shouted but it was too late the portal was opening. I looked around everything was disappearing. "Mabel why?" I asked, my throat was too dry so no words came out of my mouth. but I said them anyways "I'm sorry Dipper" she shouted from across the room.

there were tears streaming down her face. "but I trust Grunkle Stan" she smiled at me then let go of the only thing that was stopping her from flying into the portal. "MABEL" I screamed but there was nothing I could do the light was too blinding to see anything.

suddenly everything stopped and we all fell to the ground. I got up and saw a man walk out of the portal. he was carrying Mabel I ran up to the man and took my sister from him. he looked at me and Mabel then at Stan. his expression changed from confused to very annoyed "what the hell Stan that kid almost went through the portal" he said.

he sounded like an older brother scowling the younger brother. actually he does kind of look like Stan only older and smarter and a lot cooler. Mabel started waking up "Mabel are you okay" I asked. "I'm fine bro bro just need to sleep and have some Mabel juice" she said sleepily. she laughed and then hugged me.

I walked over to Stan and the strange man. "what the hell Stan you better explain this because she almost died. and I would not have forgiven you if she did and you know what else I....." I stopped talking. the strange man and Stan were staring at each other. "Dipper this is my brother,  your great uncle and the author to that journal, Stanford Pines" Stan said.

he looked so happy but I was still mad at him for not telling us about the portal. "wait what your brother is the author the one I've been searching for all summer?" I couldn't believe it for some reason it made me even angrier he hadn't told me that his brother was the author. "we have another Grunkle whaaaat!" Mabel had fully woken up and heard everything.

" I have a great niece and nephew?" said Stanford. I was so angry I couldn't even be surprised that I had a new Grunkle. " it is so nice to meet you two" said Stanford. "please call me Ford" he said putting his hand out to shake Mabel's hand. "wow it's like shaking a normal hand but with one extra finger"  Mabel said amazed by her new Grunkle and his odd hand.

"I'm going up to my room, nice uhh meeting you Ford". I said and before Mabel could stop me I had run up to my room and locked the door. this was way to much to handle I was so angry. I just wished I hadn't come here in the first place and could leave all of this behind.

but I couldn't let Mabel know that I felt betrayed by her. I mean even if trusting him was the right thing to do. I could never forgive any of them she should've trusted me instead of Stan who had been lying to the both of us this whole time. I swore on that day I could never trust anyone again.

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