Jack looked around for a light source, his eyes fell on a nearby lamp and he grabbed it with shaking hands, he turned it on, infinitely glad to hear the click! and see the yellow halo of light flare up around him.

Jack looked around the room, daring only to move a few paces in any direction, there were too many objects in the room; too many places for it to hide.

There was a scuttling noise to his far left, Jack turned just in time to see the vague shape of the thing scurry into his kitchen. I've gotta call someone, he thought as he stared into the kitchen, I've never seen a spider this fast. What if it's poisonous? And what about those tracks in the kitchen?

Jack briefly turned his attention back to the kitchen, feeling the sweat cascading down his back, making him all the more susceptible to the chill air, the floor creaked underfoot and Jack halted and waited with bated breath to see if the noise would provoke a reaction from the unknown creature.

He didn't have to wait long.

The spider-thing emerged from around the corner of the doorway, its spindly legs moving quickly and creating a scratching sound that set his teeth on edge. Then, to his horror, it was joined by a second one which was bigger than its partner.

Jack felt his chest tighten as he focused on those long legs and the loud clicking that marked their passage.

His eyes left them for a moment to rove around the barren room, desperately searching for a weapon of some kind.

But there was nothing within reach.

With fear constricting his throat, Jack turned his attention back to the two creatures.

With a sudden burst of speed one the creatures scuttled off to one side and leaped at him, Jack crossed his arms over his face to ward off the impending strike, forcing the thing to land on his forearm.

Its body was as cold as ice and as smooth as polished marble. Jack screamed in fright and pain as the arachnoid monstrosities' talons sank into the soft flesh of his arm.

Jack shook his arm frantically, trying in vain to dislodge the creature, but every single jolting motion caused jolts of pain to shoot up his arm. The talons must be barbed like fish hooks, he thought with tears in his eyes, No matter how hard I shake, I won't be able to get it off.

Then a second set of talons latched onto his leg, Jack fell forwards and put as much pressure on his leg as he could. The spider-thing let out a pig-like squeal as its repulsive body was crushed, Jack kept his leg on it until he felt its cold blood seep into his pant leg.

Then Jack lurched to the side and fell on his arm, hoping to condemn the creature to the same fate as its brother, but the spider-thing scurried up his arm and onto his shoulder. The instant its talons left their place the blood began to flow, Jack knew that the talons had ripped out a good chunk flesh.

Then the spider-thing crawled up to his face, latching onto his neck as it did, and raised its front legs at him, giving him a sickeningly intimate view of a mouth lined with flat, white teeth that gnashed together with an audible snap.

Jack howled in fear and shook his head frantically, but the creature refused to be dislodged, digging its talons into his nape until he felt them hit bone.

The pain overrode all of his senses. Jack leaped to his feet and, lowering his head, charged at the nearest wall like an enraged bull, the spider-thing wasn't fast enough this time and Jack felt its chitinous body burst.

Jack slumped to the floor, dazed and wounded, feeling the spider-thing's rancid-smelling liquids moisten his hair and trickle down his forehead.

He took deep breaths, desperately trying to slow his heartbeat, but the awful stench and overall horror of the ordeal kept him from calming down.

With tremendous effort Jack managed to regain his footing, moving with slow, jerky steps to the door. Fresh air... I need fresh air... this stuff stinks like rotten meat, he thought as he opened the door and lurched outside.

The cool wind felt good on his skin, the chill breeze carried the sweet scent of grass and earth, Jack felt his muscles slowly relax. His breathing, which had been harsh and fast, was slowing steadily.

I need to call someone, thought Jack, feeling his senses slowly return to him, Those things might have been poisonous, I've never seen spiders like those. Can't take any chances.

Jack straightened, wincing as pain flared up in his back.

He turned and, doing his best to gather his wits, went back inside to call someone.

Outside the stars shone like diamonds in a dark veil, the clearing surrounding the cottage was silent and still... Every animal, from the smallest field mouse to the largest snake, stayed in their homes on this night, as they had learned to do over the centuries, learned through death and blood and the loss of their offspring.

The shadows were alive tonight. They were infested by a legion of crawling arachnid things that had crept up from the deep, dark places where they nested, hungry and cunning.

As Jack searched for his phone, the reeds began to shake and bend as dark shapes pushed them aside. The wind began to pick up again, its low moan disguising the soft sounds of the approaching swarm.

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