Chapter 2

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"Just bring them back already" Kira whines

"Give me one valid reason" I say placing my hand on my hip.

"Uh bitch they have babies to change" she says in her ratchet voice.

"Uh bitch we've been doing it for 4 months now try again" I say copying her

"Okay what about the fact that they have kids, with their powers, and don't know shit about it. Weren't you hurt when your dad didn't know that he even had a daughter for a whole 13 years" she says in a serious voice. "Look I know they belong in 'game world' but they have kids in the real world and I'm pretty sure you don't want Hazel to have the same experience you did" she finishes and walks away.

I groan and walk back into my room and lay down next to Hazel.

"Why is she so right Haz" I mumble into my pillow. I turn over and face her. She had Hanzo's nose but my eyes. His ears though. She started making baby noises. She somehow made her way over to me and curls up in my chest. She went to sleep and soon after I did too.

Later on that night


"Be quiet!" I whisper yell at Sasha.

"Bitch don't you see my trying!" She whisper yells back at me.

"Hurry up and get the Xbox and the game" I whisper

"And what the fuck are you going to be doing while I'm on this Top Secret Mission! I could get killed!" She whispers

"I'm making sure the dragon doesn't wake up so you don't get killed" I smiles. She flicks me off and grabs the Xbox and it's cords. I grab the game and we walk to my room.

I set up the game and it starts to load.

"Hey if Skarlet is on the ladder can she come too" I ask.

"Kira that would be so disrespectful to the house an- eh fuck it whatever I like her too" Sasha says laughing.

"Okay umm she always plays as Sub-Zero and Smoke" I say. Sasha clicks on them and the ladder goes down. The order is,

Mileena & rain
Sub-Zero & Kitana
Scorpion & Noob
Reptile & Khameleon
Ermac & Jade
Sonya & Johnny Cage
Skarlet & Kenshi

"Should we bring Kenshi, Sonya, and Johnny" she ask.

"Of course" I say smiling. I stop when I hear Arron crying "I'll go get him you play the game" I say getting up.

I walk into the room and pick Arron up. I walk back to my room and sit him next to Khalil. Sasha was on the last match and beat it. She paused the game when it did the intro for the Shang Tsung battle.

"Okay so now what" she ask me

"Now we wait for a thud" I say and we both sit back and listen to Arron and Khalil make baby noises.

"You ever wonder what babies are saying" she ask me

"Well duh. They have their own code" I say laughing.

"But you know how when you read a book and that voice in your head is talking right" I nod my head "so when foreign people read with that voice and they translate does it translate to English" she finishes

"That's a go-" I was cut short by a thud coming from the other side of the room. It was Mileena. We ran over to her and hug her.

"Oh hi Kira and Sasha" she says hugging us back.

"Where are the others" I ask.

"In the process of getting sucked in the portal" she says and then Rain comes through followed by Skarlet and Kenshi.

After a while everyone appears except for Noob, Ermac, and Scorpion. I started to loose hope then all three of them appear together.

They groan and get up. They look around and their eyes land on us. They run over and bear hug us. They let go but Noob held onto me longer.

"We have surprises for you guys" Sasha says.

"What is it" Ermac ask. She went to the bed and picked up Arron and walked back to Ermac.

"Surprise" she says smiling. Arron starts to levitate and giggle.

"He's mine?" Ermac ask surprised. First time I've heard him speak in first person, I'm surprised too.

"Yeah of course" she says and Ermac grabs him from the air and holds him.

"If Noob would let me go I could go get Khalil" I say and Kitana prys him off me. I grab Khalil and hand him to Noob.

"He looks like me" he smiles. Khalil made a clone and appeared in my arms. "And he has my powers"

"Where's Ava" Scorpion ask. My eyes widen and I slowly turn to Sasha. She looks at me to with the same expression.

"Oh shit"

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