Leaving Chap. 2

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Lexie's POV-

"Shhh! Jeez you're almost as loud as a elephant playing drum!" Alexander told me, as I tried to leave my house from my window. Why I had decided to go outside that way? I had absolutely no idea.

Everyone was sleeping in the house, so I could have probably just left by the front door and then lock it, but anyways, I was already half way down the outside wall of my house, so I was just going to continue like that.

"I know! I'm trying not to make too much noise!" I shouted/whispered. I looked at him for the first time since I started escalating down the wall. I should not have done that.

Turning my head made me loose my balance and I ended up falling on the little bushes placed around my house.

"Oh crap!" I gasped.

"You okay?" Alexander asked, sprinting next to me and helping me up.

"Yeah, yeah. My backpack absorbed the shock." I told him, removing the small leaves from my blond hair.

After I called him, we planned on how we would leave. We met in my front yard at four a.m. We decided to bring only two backpacks. In mine, I put as most clothes as I could, some pharmacy stuff like my toothbrush, shampoo, soap, band-aids, Advils and a few snacks. I also brought my wallet. I had almost three hundred dollars in it and some gift cards.

Before I left, I decided to write a short note to my parents, all I did was write "I'll be back in a few days." and left the paper on my bed.

We walked on our tiptoes to his bike and I suddenly realized I forgot something very important.

"I forgot my phone!" I said, clapping my hands on my cheeks.

Alexander just shrugged his shoulders. "I have mine, but I don't think we'll need it anyway."

I didn't know what to think about that, but I couldn't go back in my room and take it, so I just agreed with him.

Was I really doing this? Running away like that? I asked myself doubting about all of this.

Yes I was! The people I trusted betrayed me and my parents didn't care at all about me. It would just make me forget all that crap, it could make me feel better and I was going to do it!

"Okay! Let's do this." I said confidently when Alexander sat on his bike and hung his blue backpack around the side of it. I kept mine on my shoulders and joined him on the black motorcycle.

"Fuck. No I can't do this! I'm sorry." I said as I got up.

"Listen Lexie, if you don't want to I'll understand, really. You can go back in your house and we can act like none of this happened. I know you are doubting that plan right now, but trust me, it's going to be better for you to come, than stay here with all that shitty atmosphere."

I took a few deep breaths. "Okay. I believe you," I finally let out as I went back on the bike. He made his engine roar and we left.

I decided to speak after five minutes of driving in silence.

"So, where are we going?" I asked Alexander.

"When I was little, my parents used to take me and my younger sister on a small trip, that's where we are going. It's a little town, but there are some amazing places there, I'm sure you'll like it." He explained.

"And how long's the drive?"

"About four hours..."

He was driving me to a small town four hours away? Oh my...

"Why are you doing this for me?" I suddenly questioned.

"It's not just for you... I need a break from my home too. But I also think no one should be left in such a situation, and I hope you'll get better sooner if we do this." He informed me.

"Why do you need a break from your house?" I asked, curious and kind of shocked to know he also wanted to leave our town.

"It's hard there." He said simply with a hoarse voice, not wanting to inform me about his family situation. I could understand, maybe his family was worse, but mine wasn't perfect either.

"You don't want me to know why, right? I understand, it can be rough to tell the things that hurt us."

Even if I didn't get any informations about that, I still wanted to know more about Alexander, so I decided to keep talking... We were going to spend a lot of time together, so why not get to know each other a little more?

"So... What do you like to do in your free time?" I said the first question that came to my mind.

"Um... I like to eat." He joked and made me laugh a little. "Nah, seriously, I travel, play basketball or hang out with my friends." He informed me.

"Cool! I didn't know you had friends." I teased him.

"Aha, very funny." He faked a laugh. "So, you, what do you do?"

"I play volleyball, I go shopping, I see my friends and I watch TV." I stated.

"You're the team captain, right?"

"Of the volleyball team? Yes!"

"I'm the captain as well," He informed me. "of the basketball team though." Hopefully, the volleyball and basketball practices hadn't even started yet, so we were not letting our teams down.

"I actually saw you play twice..." I said.

"Cool. How so?"

"Well, um, one of my friends, Olivia, is kind of a freak... So she decided that we'd go to every single sports games we could see so that she could admire the hot guys..." I told him with a tiny smile as I remembered the face she made when she saw the guys changing their t-shirts for the game. Olivia could be crazy when it came about boys, god!

"Wow. I didn't know girls did that. Well she's like one of my friends, Nate... He goes to volleyball game to see the girls in tight shorts." he explained, laughing.

That was not surprising. It kind of annoyed me that guys would come to the games for the butts and not the actual sport, but anyways guys are still guys after all, so I managed to accept that truth.

"You said you came twice? Why did you come the second time?" he asked me.

"Well your team is pretty good and basketball is nice to watch so I decided to go to another game with my friend Dylan to get that second game."

"Well thank you!" he laughed.

It was nice to talk to him, really, but when I suddenly started to think of what my family and friends had done to me, the small amount of joy I had at that moment disappeared. All gone.

And when I thought I had cried every tears I could, one left my eye. I closed my eyes and stayed silent. I placed my head on Alexander's back without even thinking about what I was doing.

"Hey, Lexie. Are you alright?" I heard him say with a soft voice. I felt the vibration from his voice going through his body and travel to mine. It made me shake a little.

"I wish I was..." I murmured. "Thank you for being here." I hugged him a little bit tightly and felt his heart beat quicken under his black hoodie. "And you, are you alright?" I gently asked.

I waited for his answer, but never heard it. Maybe he didn't hear me, maybe he didn't want to answer. But I would try to find out what was going on in his mind, and try to help him as much as he tried to help me.


Hello!!! I hope you liked this chapter! If you think you know what's going on in Alexander's mind, comment your thoughts, it would be nice to know haha
Next chapter will be interesting... 😏
See y'all soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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