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Btw feels

And I didn't edit /:

~Bellus POV~

I popped my head up above the water and shouted defeat. I swam out of the water and pulled myself up on the icy shore. Coldness touched my body even though it was really hard for me to get cold. My body was warm and wetter than before... My my body. Is. Colder.
I opened my mouth and pain shot through my body. I screeched in pain it filled my body a it hurt to the core. I looked down to see a harpoon in my shoulder. I looked at my attacker and a white doggy and the owl lady were there.

"What is wrong with you?! THATS JUST A KID!!!" The owl lady shouted at the dog whose looking down at the really long gun, he's shaking. He looked up at me and whispered
"I'm sorry"

I tried to speak but it came out as cry and whimper, but you could somewhat hear me yell

The two in the boat came up to the dock and tie up the wooden vehicle. Once finished the owl rushed over to me and pushed on my wound. It made the even pain worse. I screeched louder than before, it even pierced my ears. I accidentally puked up blood on her face, she didn't seem to mind though. After a few minutes of screaming and pushing I knew what I had to do. I grabbed the harpoon and pushed letting out an unsettling scream the owl looked terrified as she noticed what I was doing. After a little more pushing the silver weapon came out with unsettling ripping noises and sloshing. The last thing I heard were footsteps and daddy's voice.
"BELLUS!!!" He screeched. He hugged my heavy body. And looked at my face. He had tears in his eyes and pain in his voice.

"D-daddy...?" I asked making sure that was really him, my everything is getting really blurry.

"I-it's me" he reassured and clenched his teeth.

"It's really cold today." I informed him, my voice getting weak.

"I- I love you..." he told me

"I love you too!" I smiled. I got even colder and everything got heavier. I fell into daddy's lap and started to cry.

"It hurts so much!" I cried

"I know Bells..." he croaked

"Let's go home..." I finished.

Everything is white and mommy is standing in front of me. Behind me is daddy screaming and calling for me.

"NO DONT DIE!!!!" He begged

~Idate POV~

"No no no no no!!!!
Don't do this! BELLS BELLS WAKE UP!!!!" I beg, lightly shaking her body.

I start to sob and shake as the one who was precious to me died. I could do nothing. I wasn't there for her. I'm a failure. After a moment of silence I pick up my adopted daughters lifeless body and carry her to the orca danger zone. Looking at her lifeless face smiling knowing that she's at peace. occasionally looking around at my surroundings or closing my eyes. Once I arrived at the place that I call home I gently placed her in the water.

"Wow you making me emo!" Said a voice from behind.

Turning around I saw that jackass snowman.

"Not the time..." I said emotionlessly.

"I don't think it's the time for you to get soft. Hah are you gonna pull a Shiro and cry about it, hiding in a dark place until you die?! Don't make me laugh! Oh wait your girlfriend's here!" Said the jackass as he disappeared in the snow

Romaca appeared I the distance getting closer. Still facing the sea looking down at where I placed my beloved daughters lifeless body. She approached me.

"I don't wanna be here anymore..." I mumbled to myself

"Hey..." She sounded sympathetic

"Leave" I demanded

"I want to ask you something." She informed

"Go. away." I demand, my teeth clenched together getting impatient

"Who was she..." She snapped at my attitude.

"GO!" I roar turning around slicing her stomach.

With that she finally understood, and turned around, leaving me alone.

I will honorably die knowing that I will get to see her again.

Raising my hand I smiled as a tear ran down my cheek, I shoved my hand through my ribcage opening grabbing my heart and crushing it in my hand.

I felt my vision go black and myself fall to my knees. I sit on my feet hanging my head down. Still smiling. The last thing I did was light a cigarette and rested it on my teeth.

"Suno-San wins, FATALITY!" Screamed that one asshole snowman in the distance

BAD END 2 "I don't wanna be here anymore..."

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