Chapter 2 - Curiosity

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I grabbed my prey's lifeless body and carried it up above the cold water and hid it behind a bunch of rocks where Bellus couldn't see it and ran over to her to comfort her. Little did I know... I was covered in blood... Good job Idate. I saw the look of fear in the small child's eyes and felt my heart drop. I swam around the clean water several times to get the stains off of me. After I came back I saw Bellus examining my box of cigarettes, how did she get those? I saw her taking them out and looking inside of the box. I got bored of her childish behavior and sighed and grabbed my temple.

"Bellus, give me my cigarettes." I sighed...

"NO" she pouted,

"Bellus, I'll give you until the count of three to give me back my cigarettes"



"I don't wanna!"


In fear of what was going to happen whenever I said three Bellus put away all of the cigarettes and gave me the box.

"Now was that so hard?"

"Yes!" she pouted and crossed her little arms.

I started to walk off to light a cigarette and smoke a short distance from her. I looked into the water when I became bored of standing in one spot not thinking about anything interesting. I sighed and asked the white haired girl :

"You wanna go in the water again?" I asked teased

"Um..." she tensed up

"Um?" I mocked

"I don't know how to swim..." She mumbled in embarrassment

I chuckled at her shyness and faced towards her.

"I guess I'll help you, I mean I don't have anything better to do" I joked.

"Y-yeah..." she blushed

"Get in the water" I commanded in a somewhat caring way as she obeyed.

She struggled to keep her head above the water while I joined her in the almost freezing water. I stood there for a while watching her somehow stay afloat, flailing her little limbs around aimlessly.

"Can you move your tail up and down?" I asked with no emotion noticing that, that was the only thing that she wasn't moving.

"Kinda." she struggled to say

I sunk underwater and examined her tail noticing a large bump near the middle of her tail. I poked it and started to move her tail up an down; I watched her feet as it looked like she cringed with every movement that I was causing. I kept on doing this but going faster every other downwards motion. Until I heard and felt an unsettling snap. I felt where her tail had adjusted and it no longer had a lump. She loudly winced and started to cry softly. I got back above the water to find her trying but failing to hold back tears. I held her up sat her back on the land being careful not to make any sudden movements to her tail.

"Dad." she called to me as I sat down next to her. My ears rung once I'd heard that word 'dad'.

"Yes?" I choked

"I don't wanna learn how to swim..." She sniffles

We sat there in awkward silence until she spoke.

"Can I go into town?" She asked

"No" I responded in a sinister yet serious voice.

"But, it's lonely being here with only you..." She begged

By now my cigarettes in my mouth had needed to be flicked so I did. The ashes gracefully flew onto the snow in which they disappeared in.

My expression became almost furious.

"Why would you want to leave me?" I snapped

She flinched at my tone and looked down in regret of her words.

The day went by fast and I showed her how to eat a fish while it's still on the bone. Now it's dusk and I'm sitting down looking at the stars reflected off of the clean ocean water. I sat there deep in though of a scheme or something that I could do to that cowardly dog or his "friends" I looked over In the direction of Bellus's sleeping spot which was behind an ice rock she couldn't be seen from the angle that I'm at. I started to drift off into a semi sleep, not thinking about anything in general.

~Bellus POV ~

I look over to the larger orca and notice that he's asleep. I then look to the southwest direction knowing that my destination is over there. I get up carefully so I don't make a sound. I silently make my way over to the town and look back at dad to make sure he didn't wake up. Once I'm away from what I believe is his hearing range I start to run and gallop and skip. I start to see lights in the distance and run faster than before. I ran as fast as I could not watching where I was going and fell hard flipping forwards. The frostbite had started to kick in. I scraped the cold damp snow off of myself and continue to run. Before I knew it I was in the middle of the town and I looked at everything in amazement. There was a sharp pain where... it had happened and I winced. I turned around to see an owl woman looking at me with an intrigued look on her face. She tilted her head to the side and asked "who are you?" I was frozen in place. I wanted to be with daddy with my face buried in his chest, cradled in his arms.

I stood there frozen and paler than usual I was sweating and horrified. I tried to move but I was frozen. My heart was beating at an irregular and very fast pace. I felt my body shake violently.

After what felt like an hour I was able to move my legs so I did I started to slowly back up, my legs trembled so much to the point that my knees hurt. I turned around and started running for my life. I then realized that I was crying. Once I got back into his hearing range I was dead quiet. I think daddy had heard me slip on the ice and fall on my tail because he got up and walked over to me.

A displeased grimace was on his face.

"Where were you?"

I quickly made up a lie.

"I had to use it so I went out somewhere then I got lost getting back."

I think he believed it! He picked me up and laid down on the same rock. This time I rested my head on his chest. His heartbeat was beautiful, it was like an orchestra sympathy and his slow breathing compliments it beautifully. It soothes me. I fell asleep before I even got comfortable.

I awoke the next morning to find myself alone. I quickly looked around and noticed a note engraved in the ice : "Went to go on a stroll. I'll be back at dusk. -Idate (stop calling me dad)"

I sighed. Dusk won't be until a while. I decided to teach myself how to swim.

I carefully put myself into the water and moved my tail up and down. I was surprised! It doesn't hurt. I dive under and freely swim around no longer flailing my arms around. After about 2-3 hours I got out. I noticed how my dress wasn't wet. Weird. I saw a seagull flying in my direction. He stood on the rock that daddy I mean Idate and I slept at. He looked down at me with a package in his mailman parcel. I stared at him looking at all of his features. Something then told me to look at the note Idate wrote me. I noticed some writing that was covered in a thin layer of snow, I got on my hands and knees and rubbed off the snow revealing text that says : " PS a mailman should be delivering some cigarettes of mine, tell him to read this note below...

Hey I'm out for a stroll! I'll be back at dusk just leave the box unopened and with the little girl.

I did as instructed and he left me with the box. I hid the box under some snow where we go to sleep at.

I decided to go for a swim again. I never realized how much I like the water. It makes me happy and calm. I discovered different swimming strokes and started to play "get the rock from the bottom" I got bored and I pretended I was a hippo and kept only my eyes out if the water. I crept around the island and found a boat. It had a snow fox or a white dog in it and the owl from last night. I though it would be fun to flip over their boat and then tickle them while they were in the water.

I crept over to their boat and got hit by an oar. I think they found me because they started to panic.

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