Chapter 3 P1 Retreat! (Option 1)

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"I'm tired and I wanna post this very much deserved chapter enjoy~~"
- That wannabe Orca

I quickly swam off not looking back. My dress and hair flew freely throughout the water. Not paying attention where I was going I swam into a clear, open spot, suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my lower right abdomen. The pain swiftly trailed throughout my body and intensified. I started to see a patch of red follow me, stopping I looked down to see a harpoon in my stomach piercing my back impaling me. The more blood I lose the more oxygen I need. I weakly swam to an open ledge and pulled myself up accidentally bumping the wound in the process. I screeched, the pain was unbearable. Every move that I made put me in a worse world of pain. I felt people gather around me and talk but if sounded like someone was covering up my pointed ears. I violently jerked up and twitched, my mouth tasted like iron. I'm so cold; and tired. I think I'll take a nap. As I fall asleep I hear someone run over to my position and start to mumble. All of my hearing is being slowly cut off.

Idate POV - (15 minutes earlier)

I got back to the pile of rocks I call home. I sighed and flicked my cigarette leaving almost the butt end. I look around to realize that Bellus isn't here. I wait for a while thinking that she just went to go somewhere. It's been 10 minutes. Now I'm getting worried. I start to walk around. I walk around the island ignoring all of the hate I'm getting from the residents. I suddenly hear an unsettling child's screech. I think the worst and start running, occasionally stumbling or tripping. I finally arrive at my destination to find Romaca, Yukisada, Rock, and Shirogane huddled together over something all red and white. I focus my sight on the red thing and realize...
"No" I whisper
"No" I'm gradually getting louder
"NO" everyone except the twitching little girl puts their attention on me.
I fall down to my knees and run my fingers through my hair but stop mid-action and feel soreness in my throat.

"What's happening!" I demanded.
I felt a liquid run down my face from my eye to my chin. Is this pain? Sadness? Weakness?! Everyone had a shocked look on their faces.
I stood up and trenched over to Yukisada and held him up by the collar.
"You're a doctor god dammit fix her!" I demanded with much hurt in my voice. I dropped the shocked owl and looked at her almost lifeless body twitch and heard faint gasps. I examined her wound and immediately turned my attention over to rock seeing that he is in fact the culprit.

I smiled and started to laugh hysterically. Everyone but rock backed up.
"What the fuck have you done?!?!!"
With extreme speed I didn't know I had I lunged at him and held him up by his skinny neck and tightened with e-

There was a heavy cough,

I turned around and saw Bellus struggling to keep her eyes open. It didn't matter though. Blood was coming out of anywhere that it could to escape her body.
"Stop." She struggled to say.
She somehow got up and trudged over to me. Once she got to me she hugged my leg (height difference) and started to cry.
"S-stop hurting people!" She begged
I dropped rock, once hit the ground he gasped for air like a fish on land and scrambled to what he thought was a distance far enough from his grasp.
"Why do you hurt people?..." she cried and held onto my leg tighter. I felt my eyes lift out of a serious state and my pupils get larger as if I'd been in attack mode this whole time. I bend down to her level and look at her blood stained face. She fell into me and started to sob even more into the crook of my neck. I hugged her and didn't let go.

I shook and gasped and cried. I continued this behavior for about 20 or 30 minutes and finally pulled away. The expression on my face looked dead, cold, emotionless. I looked her in the eye and held the rope connecting to the harpoon and bit it. It was instantly cut, I then grabbed the harpoon. Fear and surprise was splashed onto Bellus's face as I grabbed the sharp object.
"This is going to hurt." I said softly.
I gripped the metal rod tighter and got a more comfortable grip on it and pulled. Awful and bloodcurdling screams were echoed throughout a range of 20 miles. I didn't even pull it out, I just swung her towards me, resulting in it impaling me in my heart or above it, but I played it cool.

"If your dying. I'm dying with you." I sighed.

I winced at the extreme pain. And felt a warm substance escape my body. I started to laugh and pulled her in closer causing the harpoon to dig deeper into my body.
"H-hey Bells!" I smile
She realizes her new nickname and looks at me with pain and sadness in her eyes.
"Hm?" She sniffles
"I love you..." I manage to say with a big smile on my face. I can feel myself leave this world and fade away.

~Bellus's POV~

I felt Daddy's grip on me loosen and saw the light in his eyes fade into an eternal grey abyss.
"D-daddy?!" I gasp with obvious pain in my voice
"Wait... Daddy?!" Rock yelled ruining the moment
"H-he adopted me after that night" I trailed off with new tears forming in my bloody eyes
"W-we need to get you away from this" the owl lady reminded me
"M-ma'am?" I ask my attention on the owl.
"Yes?" The what seemed to be a polar bear asked
"Not you" I correct.
Everyone's now pitied faces are now confused.
I point to the owl with a serious but pained face. The polar bear is now trying not to laugh out of being disrespectful. The Owls face is now reading 'me?'
"Ma'am, can you get this out of me. You are a doctor..." I'm interrupted my watery cough that brought soreness to my mouth, accidentally spewing blood.
"Y-yeah... But. I'm..." The owl trailed off

3 days later ( not gonna describe pulling and or pushing on a harpoon t(T - Tt) that lasts 3 hours )

I'm grieving my daddy's death and my new family Yukisada, Romoca, and Shirogane, is super fun and loving, I sometimes see Rock too but not often, I don't think he likes me, he doesn't like to talk to me and he doesn't like to hear me ask about my daddy. The most he's ever told me is that they were really good friends...

I don't live with anyone I insist on staying where daddy and I used to live. I miss him...

Bad End 1
"I love you..."

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