My Country Right or Wrong

Start from the beginning

"I guess every teacher has their own prerogative to how they treat their students. They probably have rules on how far they can't go, but there's nothing against the rule about favoritism." I said smoothly.

"You're only saying that because you're McGonagall's favorite. Not all of us are the best at Transfiguration." Accused Lucy.

"You said that, not me." I said, smirking.

Okay, so you might be confused and I understand. You were told that Hermione was the best at everything. Not true at all. She is the best all around, but two of us have gotten her beat in two classes. I have the highest grades in Transfiguration and Draco Malfoy has the best in Potions. I guess good grades run in the family, or just good preparation tutors. It might not seem fair because Hermione is a muggleborn and she didn't have access to that, but she is the best at every other class and it's a close second int the ones she's not. She can't win at everything. It's not a problem, so don't take this the wrong way. Anyway, conversation.

"What do you think, Nev?" Cole asked, trying to divert the attention to the one of us that hasn't said much.

"Um...Well... Sn-Snape... uh..." He said, nervously

"Give him a break Cole. He's terrified of Snape. No need to make him uncomfortable." Lucy chided," Anyway, what about the essay from Transfiguration? Did you guys start on that?"

Lucy spoke loud. In fact it was loud enough for others to overhear her. Consequently, it did. It wasn't much of a problem, except that the effects of that had to be directed at me.

"Speaking of the Transfiguration essay, Charlotte will you help me? I'm pants at Transfiguration."

"Alright Seamus. If this will stop you from blowing something up in class and getting yelled at by Professor McGonagall, then I will gladly help you. Be in the Library after Defense. Do not be late, or I won't help you."

"I will I will." He then sauntered off, smirking.

"You know he likes you." Lucy stated, smirking.

"So what? He's not going to do anything about it and frankly I don't care. For Merlin's sake, Lucy, we're 11. Show some class." I responded.

The relationship between Lucy and I was weird. We both had dominant personalities, but we managed to get along so well. It was sort of like a mother-daughter relationship between friends. She was the reckless daughter and I was the kinda strict mother who corrected when needed. We weren't the closest, but we still connected.

The conversation isn't exactly over, but it's getting a little boring, so lets flash forward to the interesting part. You know, the part where Harry, Ron, and Hermione do things that are completely idiotic and irrelevant to them, but they deal with it anyway. We're gonna start right before it happens. But first, I'll give you some summary of what happened between the conversation and the idiotic deed ( which is a perfectly acceptable label for the situation).

Hagrid's dragon problem was fixed. Norbert ( well now Norberta) was sent off to Romania with Ron's older brother Charlie. We'd also found out that the large three-headed dog, Fluffy, was Hagrid's, and the way to get through it was to play music to put it to sleep.

I realize my sequence is out of order, but you have to bear with me. If I put it in order than it would mess up the flow all in all making this summary less enjoyable.

We also had exams. As expected, my Transfigurations scores couldn't be beat nor could Draco's Potions and Hermione's everything else. Although, I'd have to say, my History of Magic score wasn't very desirable, but you can't blame me of using that time in class to catch up on sleep. We all do it. I just happen to do it more than the average person. Thus explaining the horrible exam scores.

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