Adaline's Profile

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She is sassy and bad ass.She is Brave, Loyal, Chatty, Clever, Funny, Loud, Moody, Popular, Smart , sporty, Thick Skinned, Caring, Clumsy, Curious, Determined, Mischievous, Independent,

Rebellious, Stubborn, Strong and wise.But there is one thing she is she is really thoughtful.She would put her life out on the line for her friends.She always took care of her friends before herself so if they hade trouble she would take care of that first.Which I think is pretty damn nice to probably die for her friends.She would die before one of her friends do and she would want them to move on.So that is her Characteristics and what she would do for her friends.

Fears: Achluophobia, Atelophobia, Autophobia, Coulrophobia, Demophobia and thanatophobia.

Dreams:Everyone survives,no supernatural and her parents

Family:She lived with the Mickelsons and she ran away she was put up for adoption at five and then the Mickelson's found her and kept her.When she turned 16 she ran to her Uncles house all the way in Beacon Hills where all the supernatural drama happens.The funny thing is that She felt drawn to beacon hills.

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