What up?

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Thank you again for reading this story. Just knowing that someone loves my story makes me continue this. Keep on reading. Warning: the beginning is a little darker than usual.

Once we hopped into another taxi, I told the female driver my address.

But she ignored me.

"Um, my address is (random address.)" But she continued to stare at Barney through the rearview mirror.

I felt a twinge of jealously in my heart and tried to keep calm. "Excuse me?" I asked politely. "Hey Mister," the lady started seductively, "Do you wanna drop the slut and head to my place?"

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me you little w*o*e. Now get out of here before I f*** you up."

My eyes watered from the insults and I silently opened the door and ran out.

"Hey!" Barney snapped. "Do not talk about this girl like that. If anything, you're the slut; trying to sleep with me even when you don't know my name!"

2nd person POV

"(First name), let's find a different-" when Barney looked over to where you were seated, he saw that you were no longer there. "Oh finally. Now baby, let's get it on." Normally, Barney wouldn't resist this approach but his mind was preoccupied with Where'd (f/n) go?

Barney, without hesitation, dashed out of the car and looked around. Where could she be?


You had run off, crying silently, and hid in an alley. At least it's not night. You curled up by a dumpster in the back and sobbed into your arms.

"Look at this little sweetie." You looked up and saw a filthy man standing in front of you.

"G-Go away." You stuttered. "Aw, why are you crying?" You stood up shakily, "None of your business. Now leave me alone." You began to walk away.

"I think it is my business." He man gripped your smallish wrist harshly. "Hey!" You tried to pull away but he was far stronger than you. Not again! He flung you against the wall, hard, which caused you to yelp in pain.

You looked at your elbow, it had started to bleed. At least I hit it instead of my head. "Now keep quiet or I'm gonna have to hurt you more." The pervert's face was inches from yours so you could smell his heavily alcoholic breath.

Your teary eyes widened with fear and pain as came closer.


You both looked to the mouth of the alley to see a ticked off Barney Stinson. "You get off of her before you don't have any hands left."

Daddy's Home (Barney Stinson x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu