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Thank you again for all the views this story has been getting. There may not be any votes but I don't care. If there's only one person who loves it do much as to keep rereading it, I feel honored. So please read on

Reader's POV

It had been officially 3 days since I'd last seen Barney... And that was a good thing. I looked terrible! My hair was frizzing and falling out, I had bags under my eyes, I was stumbling around instead of walking, in short, I didn't look good.

'Why do you look horrible?' You may ask. Well... Work. It was driving my into the ground. I was a receptionist for some jerk in an office. I had to do everything for him. And I mean everything. That went from filing papers to rubbing his feet. He was an unorganized slob who had me stay up to the early hours working.

So it was a good thing that Barney didn't see me like this. As I sleepily tripped into my apartment, my phone rang. It was the theme to (favorite TV show). "Yesh?" I slurred. "Hey, this is Barney Stinson."

Oh crap! "Uh, hey Barney. How're you?" I yawned loudly. "I'm doing fine. But you sound extremely tired. Everything going ok for you?"

"Yeah..." I lied. "Well, how would you like your tour tomorrow?" My eyes widen excitedly at this, "I'd love that!"

"Sweet. So how's 7:00 sound?"

"Perfect! We'll meet at McLaren's?"

"Yep. See you then?"

"See ya." I reluctantly hung up; I loved the sound of his voice after a tough day. Then I had a realization: I have to look good for him. That's gonna be tricky

So I hopped in the shower and took a bath first so I could shave my legs. Once that was done, I finished the actual shower. I stepped out with a towel around my body and another wrapping my hair. I blow dried my hair and got into my (fave color) pajamas.

I collapsed onto my bed and fell asleep immediately.

Sorry it's so short. It was a hectic week. I'll work on the next chapter immediately

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