Intruders from the Red Dawn ~ Sunagakure

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Part 1: Sunagakure

Kakashi POV

"You're late," accused Shisui as I stepped into Sandaime's office.

"Sorry," I apologized casually, "I got distracted by the beauty of nature."

Itachi stared at me with a blank face and Shisui raised en eyebrow, "Really, Kakashi?"

Sandaime and the elders behind him sighed, "We got a hawk from Sunagakure, they seem to have a problem in their village and they need your assistance."

"Why can't they do it themselves," muttered Shisui, "they have a lot of Shinobi and besides, they've got their Kazekage and one tails Jinchuuriki."

"This is what an alliance is," says the Third Hokage sternly, "we offer help to each other no matter what."

"Tch," muttered Shisui and he closes his eyes.

I could see Sandaime nearly roll his eyes before saying, "You will leave now to Suna, assist them in what you can and report what is the problem."

Itachi nodded and turned without a word, Shisui and I followed out the door. The second we stepped outside, we ran swiftly, jumping over rooftops and leaping past villagers. I sigh, this was a little suspicious, for Suna to contact us without a defined reason... Was this a trap? No.. the Wind country is an ally of the Fire Country... They wouldn't attack us....

---A few hours later

"Did you call for us Kazekage?" I dipped my head in respect as the Fourth Kazekage stood before us with his usual scowl.


I look up in confusion, "You didn't...?" It was a trap, definitely a trap...luring us out of Konoha so they could attack the village without our protection.

The fourth Kazekage crossed his arms, "One of the village elders did, and without my approval too." Kazekage glared at an old man with a mole on his nose. The old man shied away and turned his gaze on to us.

Itachi looked up calmly, "So what is your problem with the village, Kazekage-sama?"

"It was really this troublesome elder who suggested calling you... But, there has been infiltrators hiding around the village. Many of our private scrolls have been taken, and our guards have all been bloodily slaughtered. No one can find the infiltrators, so we asked for assistance."

"And what's a couple a Leaf shinobi going to do about the situation?" asked Shisui wearily.

Kazekage's eyes flared at Shisui's lack of disrespect but he composed himself, "I could do with some 'eyes' to help me detect the infiltrators and to kill them."

Shisui nodded and crossed his arms, "Do we start looking now? We first have to send a messenger hawk to Konohagakure."

Kazekage turned and walked away, "Come to my office, I'll show you evidence and different locations where things had happened. I'll get you a hawk too."

---In Kazekage's Office

I looked at the photographs in shock, "Whoever killed them were not very merciful. What are those..." I traced my fingers at the tears of flesh in the victims' bodies, "wounds? What kind of weapon would do this? The streaks are all in a pattern too... A sword with spikes perhaps?"

Shisui examined the photographs and the lists of missing scrolls, "All the scrolls that were taken had writings that were about the village's well being and association with other villages and countries." Shisui looked up, "Someone really is trying to infiltrate Sunagakure."

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