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Gary shuffled slightly on the uncomfortable red leather beneath him. The corner sofa of a large private booth stretched far enough to fit all five men and four ladies with plenty of space between each couple. The lone blonde shook his empty glass at the waiter and it was replaced almost immediately with his sixth pint of cider, which he began in a breath. 

His head had become heavier than usual and he was finding it difficult to keep his eyes open, each blink bringing him dangerously close to unconsciousness. There was a ringing in his ears and he only prayed its volume would increase so as to mask the flirtatious giggles surrounding him and withdraw him from a situation he felt so dreadfully uncomfortable with. 

He stood slowly and unsteadily made his way to the fire exit. His chosen companion for the night spilled on the shaking hands that held it, its glass container slowly edging its way southward through the bottom of Gary's hand. A quiet street opposite a deserted car park stood unlit before him. He took a few paces to the edge of a knee-high wall and heavily put his drink down. His eyes closed, he fumbled clumsily in his coat pockets for a box of cigarettes, which he managed to empty all over the cobbled floor beneath his brown suede boots. He tried to sigh but a loud and painful hiccup took its place and he groaned, throwing his lower half towards the wall in hope that he found a seat there.

"Did you drop these?" 

A blurred figure crouched near Gary's feet, generously picking the scattered cigarettes from the floor and putting them gently back into their packet. Gary nodded, holding his lighter in his right hand and throwing his left into the air towards the figure. 

Rob pushed out a small laugh, amused by the lazy demand that had just been thrown at him.

He took the lighter from Gary's hand, not trusting him to safely light his own cigarette. He perched the Richmond Virginia between his dry lips and lit it, taking advantage of his friend's lack of vision and allowing himself the first drag. Breathing it out unsatisfied, he handed it to Gary along with the rest of the pack and began to light one of his own.

"How do you feel?" Rob asked, sitting on the wall beside Gary. 

"Shit." He laughed back, closing his eyes and sleepily enjoying his cigarette.

Rob could barely see the man beside him, though he could make out his blonde eyelashes that curled upwards as they lay shut on the top of his cheeks. Moist lips opened slowly to accept the end of a cigarette with delicate care as his chest rose to inhale the smoke. 

Unaware of the fact that the spark of his Marlboro had gone out from complete abandonment, Rob continued to stare at Gary, taking full advantage of the dark and empty street where nobody could see him. They were completely alone.

After a long, long while, Gary turned to Rob, suddenly aware that he was being looked at. Rob froze, unable to look away as his admiring gaze was met with large green eyes. There was silence. 

Rob's heart was the only sound audible as his body began to drop in Gary's direction, his shaky breath vibrated behind his lips, forcing them open and they fell apart slowly. His tongue was wet, eagerly awaiting the taste of Gary's pink lips. 

Gary felt as though he had swallowed a brick, his chest being put under an unbearable force as his body became magnetised to the one opposite him and they fell slowly into one another, their shaky breaths intertwining as their lips grew closer by the second. 

And finally, they kissed. Slowly, softly. There was barely any contact to begin with as the lips stroked over each others carefully and nervously. With a sudden rush of adrenaline, Rob pushed his tongue in between the small gap in Gary's lips and forced himself entry into his mouth, lashing their tongues together in a heated passion. 

The kiss became aggressive, quick and desperate. Their hands explored the others body as they clawed at the clothes covering their burning skin. 

The fire exit door swung open and slammed against the brick wall, the two men separating with a jump and turned to see their manager staring back at them, his mouth ajar.

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