~Chapter Nineteen~

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The next day you just wanted to stay in your room all day. The only people you were letting in your room were Nya and Sensei. Everyone tried getting you out of your room but you wanted to be alone. Nya would stop by time from time to drop off food or check on you. Right now you were laying down on your bed trying to figure out who to choose. You were in mid thought till your phone buzzed. "Unknown?" You said to yourself as you clicked on the message.

Unknown: Hey Saprina, it's me Cameron. Lloyd gave me your number last night in case you were wondering. Anyways, look I know I could just find another girl but the thing is....I can't I really still love you. And I hope you feel the same. I sent you some flowers so they should be there by now. Hope it's me you pick Saprina.

You hear a knock on the door, "Saprina it's me Nya. Uh you got some flowers from Cameron? Do you want me to put them in your room or just throw them away?" Nya said by the door. "I-i don't know! Um uh just leave them in here." You told Nya. Nya opened the door and put some roses and tulips by your bed.

"Need anything else?" "H-how's Kai?" "Oh um he's down in the dojo.....he's uh ya know....anger training. But don't worry I'm keeping an eye on him." You nodded your head in understanding then sighed.

"So, have you chosen a guy yet?" You frowned and shook your head no. "Ohh ok, well like I said if you need anything just let me know!" She says with a smile then leaves your room. You lay back down on your bed then text Lloyd.

Me: Lloyd! Why'd you give my number to Cameron!?
Lloyd: Yay! Your alive!!
Lloyd: Okay okay! Well he said he was your cousin and you weren't giving him your number so I agreed to give it to him :)
Lloyd: :| Oh... Umm... BYE!

You threw your phone on the floor "I hate technology..." You mumbled. It was too much pressure for you. Your social life always brought pressure to you. You'd always have to make tough decisions. You hugged your pillow and started to cry. Too much pressure. You had honestly thought of drinking a forget potion so you'd forget all about Cameron and your feelings but you remembered what Sensei Tadashi told you.

'Memories are treasures, and with bad memories, they can always be learned from.' You frowned and continued to let the tears flow. While you were in your room, Kai was in the dojo. He was frustrated, angry, and upset. He absolutely hated Cameron. He saw the flowers Cameron sent to you. He was going to burn them but Nya stopped him from doing so. He felt as if Cameron was winning! Kai knew he had to up his game but he just couldn't figure out how.

"Kai, why don't you take a break. You've been in here all morning! And besides it's almost lunchtime!" Nya said but Kai furrowed his eyebrows and kept punching a dummy with Cameron's face on it. "I'm....not...hungry!!" Kai said between each punch. He set fire to the dummy and Nya sighed as she grabbed a fire extinguisher and put out the flames again. "Kai that's the 18th practice dummy! We're running out! Remember, we use these for training! Not for anger management."

Kai catched his breath then fell to the ground on his knees. Nya went over and gave a hug to Kai. Kai was trying to fight his tears but he couldn't, they just flowed. "Nya...y-you just don't get it! I've done everything! I've given everything to Saprina yet she falls for someone else!! W-what have I-i done wrong!" Kai sobbed as he hugged his sister tighter. Nya patted Kai's back and frowned. "Kai, look at me." She said as Kai looked at her.

"You've been a great guy Saprina has ever asked for. You've been great! And it's not your fault. She's having a battle with herself and it's her fight. You just need to give her some time and trust her. She'll come through eventually but right now she's got to figure it out. Okay?" Nya said as she gave a small smile and wiped Kai's tears. Kai smiled and hugged Nya.

"T-thanks sis. I-i don't know what I'd do without you. J-just don't tell the others that I cried it's not manly you know." He said with a small laugh. "No problem! Now let's get you cleaned up and get you ready for lunch!" She says as she stands Kai up and walks out of the dojo with him.

You stared at your almost broken phone and watched as Cameron kept texting you. Each text left you with a heartbeat. You heard a knock on your door, "Who is it!" You asked. "Nya! Hey I brought some lunch, hungry?" Your stomach growled but you refused to fill it. "No thanks. Not in the mood." "C'mon! It's your favorite! Jay worked on it!" "Sorry Nya I'm just not hungry." Nya sighed from outside the door. "Okay, well it's downstairs if you want any." She said then left the door.

You made a hunger potion appear in your hand and you drank it. Suddenly your appetite disappeared and you went back to your thoughts. You knew it was wrong to like Cameron but something weird about it just felt so right. You also knew that Kai would never do what Cameron did in the past but you just didn't know. You sighed. For the rest of the day you continued to stay in your room and just continued to be at war with yourself.

At night you couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts, too much pressure. You couldn't handle it. You wanted to sleep but you just couldn't. Without thinking you got up and left your room. You went to Kai's door and stared at it for awhile before giving it a small knock. As first nothing happened but you footsteps come to the door and a sleepy Kai opened it. Kai was surprised you were in front of him at this hour. Just looking at Kai put you on the verge of tears.

"C-can I-i sleep with Y-you?" You asked nervously. Kai blinked his eyes a few times to wonder if he was really awake or asleep. He smiled at you and nodded. You closed his door behind you and got in bed with Kai. You snuggled closely against Kai's chest and Kai put his arm around your waist. You smiled, and thought, between Kai and Cameron, you think you've finally made a choice. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.

A/N: saprinastar18 is so angry at me RN Bc I added Cameron to the plot XD Sorreh girl! Couldn't help it! XD pic at top is a lil edit I made and video to the side is About the Boy by Little Mix. Idk I felt like it kinda fits a little XD Anyways 423 views!! That's amazing!! Thanks so much you guys! Never thought this story would make it! :D Oh and BTW guys chapter 20 will be the final chapter of this book (I think lol) but thanks so much for reading it but it's not all over yet! I'm turning this into a series! It's called Elemental Love there will be Lighting, Earth, Ice, And Energy! So stay tuned for that! :D

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