25.two week laters

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( this will be the dairy of fran/ and some flashbacks)

dear diary

it's been like two weeks since i spoke to leon.. I miss him.. he was my bestfriend.. and vilu? well let me say i don't miss her at al.. i hate her.. she is so mean she is the meanest bitch in the school.. nobody likes her except for leon, ludmilla and her 'slave' naty.. how can such a nice person like that change?.. how is it possible... and then this happen ( FLASHBACK: 

violetta; fran-ugly-cesca why are you so stupid?..

i said nothing and I just looked at leon who said nothing.. how could he .. he always stick upme no matter what

fran; leave me alone

violetta: never... you stupid Italian mouse 

fran; we were best friends violetta

violetta: listen i don't care.. we will never be friends


i cried al night she is so mean.. she is not the vilu i used to know.. well i don't care anymore.. i made other friends... my bestfriend federico he is so nice and sweet.. tomas the new guy at school he is funny i kind of like the Spanish accent ( but diego gets jealous i think it is cute).. and then you got marco he is Mexican like leon , he is sweet but I think he kind of likes me . And my old friends camila she is the my bestfriend too.. and maxi but he al over violetta slave..and my boyfriend diego

I am so happy with diego.. he is the on for me.. he is the moon and am the sun .. we can't be with or with out each other.. so funny i am so in love... but it is getting late and tommorrow it will be a hard day because violetta and her gang .. and angie is going to choose pairs

bye kiss frannn

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