8. d..l... Vilu?!

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??: are you ok?

what can i say..

fran: diego you saw me and i even know why i kiss leon back but..

diego interups fran and kissed her


i kissed him back

fran: diego..

diego: fran do you want to be my girlfriend?


i hope she say yes

fran: diego yess


I hold her hand and stand up

diego: we have to go to the studio

we are walking hand in hand..


why are diego and fran walkind hand in hand....

i am actually i am jalous

leon: he vilu..wait why is diego holding fran hand

violetta: i don't know


we kissed and now she is with him

diego:heey guys , i have to tell you somethings

violetta : yess tell me..

leon: what

i love .. fra..la.. no violetta

i am so confuced

fran look at me and she looked down ..

fran: we are dating


i walked mad away


violetta : leon leon!!, so you are dating, that is nice

diego:yess i loved fran since the moment i saw her

really I though you loved me

fran: aw that's cute *give a kiss on the cheeck*

yeah sure what cute

diego: well i have to go by beautifull .. and violetta

fran: bye my love, i have to go to bye vilu


i am so upset .. i never been like this befor

fran walks to me

Fran: leon are you ok?

leon: well no fran no, i kissed you and i love you but the next day you are a couple with diego

Fran: well leon i know i love you too but i can't be with you and i love diego.. and you are with violetta and what about lara

leon: yess what about her? and i know i kind of love violetta but you.. you are..

Fran: never mind i have to go

leon: pls don't go .. stay with me

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