Chapter 17: He's here

Comenzar desde el principio

"Want to be my second in command Ice breath?"

Gray laughed, "I would be proud to be, fire freak."

Natsu P.O.V

Even though Morin had not been seen, we were not ready to give up. Gray and I spent the days we had training the wizards.  The lack of food and water worried us. If no one ate, we wouldn't be strong enough to fight.

One afternoon we were practising magic skill, I walked around supervising, "Come on men! Focas. Gajeel aim properly... shake it off, shake it off."

I heard someone running behind me, I turned around to see Gray coming towards me, "There you are man. About time you got here."

He stopped and caught his breath, "Its Lucy! Go quickly, I'll take over."

I didn't hesitate, I ran to Mira's tent and rushed over to her. Levy, Erza and Mira were hovering over her. When Levy saw me she pulled me, "Natsu thank goodness! What's happening to her?"

What I saw made me collapse on my knees, she had two bumps on each side of her fore head. They seemed to grow bigger, she screamed and cluched her head with her hands. Then she started to scratch at them madly, until it made her bleed. I forced her hands away, and tried to calm her down.

"What the hell are those!" I shouted.

"I wish we new!" Mira started to sob in fear.

Wendy pushed past the girls and knelt beside us. She placed her hand on Lucy's cheek, "Lucy, I'm going to try and help okay."

Lucy opened her eyes, they were red and filled with tears, she nodded. I held her tight so that she couldn't move. Wendy held her hands over Lucy's head. A magic circle appeared and light orbs fell around it. But instead of making the bumps disappear, they grew bigger and Lucy screamed louder.

"Stop!", I yelled over her screams, "Its hurting her!" 

Wendy stopped and collapsed. The girls took her back to her tent, leaving me alone with Lucy. She stopped screaming, her eyes became droopy. She had tired herself out. I felt tears prick my eyes. She looked up at me. She gently placed her hand on my cheek.

"Don't... cry..." her voice was weak and tired.

I rocked back and forth, I let myself cry. I cried my hardest, no one had ever seen me cry like this before. I knew, right then and there that this, was not any normal sickness. Eventually she fell asleep. I stayed with her for hours. I must have fallen asleep. I woke up from Gray frantically shaking me.

"Ugh... what's the time man?"

"To hell with time! Help me pick Lucy up!" He ran over to her.

"Why?" I said sleepily.

"Morin has been spotted."

I got up quickly and picked up Lucy. Gajeel ran in and grabbed all the blankets he could, "I'll take her. I can carry her as well." Gajeel said walking towards me.

I moved away, "No way. I'm coming with her."

Gray punched me in the arm, "This is no time to be bloody stuborn! I can't lead those men by myself."

The eruption of people running and screaming outside grew louder.

"Natsu listen to me, she is safe as long as I take her. But you are the general now. Those men need you, they will all die if you don't lead them." Gajeel said moving closer.

I hesitated, but I knew he was right... I had to give in... I had no choice.

"Damn you both! Look after her! I mean it." Gajeel took her from me. He ran out the tent...

"Sorry man..." Gray said.

I shook it off, "Come on. We have an army to lead!"

"Now that's what I wanted to hear." He shouted.

As we ran out, I cried softly to myself. We ordered the wizards to stand In front of Gray and I. I looked over at him and said, "Do you wanna say something to them?"

He shook his head, "You should be the one to do it."

The sun was setting, causing the red sand to look more like blood. It sickend me.

I took a deep breath and stepped forward, "Alright men! We have been waiting for this basterd to show his face. Now we finally get the chance to show him how tough the guilds of Fiore are!"

The men cheered and shouted. Gray waved his hands to shut them up. I was going to keep speaking until someone shouted, "Look!"

We all turned to look at the horizon. Thousands of creatures, ugly looking, were making their way towards us. And leading them, was a man in a black cloak.

Anger took over me. I turned to the men again, 'This is it! He is here!"

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