Ch. 2

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Harry woke up to the sound of the front door opening. He watched as Jay entered the house and shut the door, locking it before taking off her coat and shoes. Jay placed the keys on the table by the door and walked up the stairs. Harry waited until he heard the soft snores from the floor above. He dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He turned it on, watching the apple icon. He went to his contacts and picked one in particular. He pressed dial and walked to the kitchen, holding the phone to his ear. Sure it's 3 in the morning, but Harry knew the person's schedule.

"Ello?" Harry heard the familiar British accent. He sighed in relief.

"Hey. It's me, Harry." Harry can hear the sound of ruffling sheets and the click of a lamp being turned on.

"Harry? How are you? Did you get out of that house?" Harry smiled to himself.

"Yeah. I did babe."

"That's great Harry." Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's wrong Nick?" Harry hears his boyfriend sigh.

"They um...they won't let me get the independent living..." Harry hears him sniffle.


"Harry I-I'm so sorry baby...I-"

"You messed up right? Like you always do when you tell me everything will be alright?" Harry tried to keep his voice down as his blood boiled.


"Don't. What'd you do this time Nick? Huh? Did you go out back in the alley and smoke? Or or did you go back to that...that drug house where you got high off of cocaine? Or better yet did you get flat out drunk again and lose your cool in front of your foster parents and tell them we were together?!" Harry clenched his fists thinking of all the times Nick screwed up.

"I-I smoked...okay?! I fucking smoked in the house because I couldn't handle them taking you away!" Harry can hear the sadness in Nick's voice, but he's too angry. Because why didn't Nick try harder to be with Harry?

"Yeah well, you could've tried harder... We were separated because of you Nick. You. Not me. I always tell you to get better but you always fall back on your promises. Why? Why Nick, why do you?" Harry could only hear Nick breathing.

"...I don't know baby..." Harry's heart fell when he knew that he had let his anger control him. Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the roots.

"I'm sorry I got mad and accusatory Nick-"

"No. I should be sorry. I put us in this shitty mess. I'm the one who can't follow through. So don't be sorry Harry, this isn't your fault. It's mine, it's always been mine...and truly I'm so sorry.." Harry heard the boy he loved break on the other end. He heard the sobs and Harry's heart fell again.

"Nick...stop crying please...dammit you have no idea how much I want to be there to comfort you..." Harry heard Nick take in a quick gasp of air.

"I-I got to go babe. Bye I love you." Before Harry could say that he loves Nick, the line goes dead. Harry takes the phone away from his ear and frowns at the phone. Why did he get so nervous? And he sounded so...scared? Harry heard a floorboard squeak behind him and he turned to see Louis. Louis' face paled.

"Shit, I'm sorry... I came down to get water... Who...who um was that?" Louis watched the lad's eyes sadden.

"My boyfriend.." Louis pursed his lips.

"You wanna talk about him?" Harry shook his head. He got up and walked past Louis back to the couch. Louis watched as Harry slipped under the sheets and faced his face to the couch's back cushions. Louis was concerned. No boyfriend should make Harry feel like this. So unwanted and they shouldn't make him wait. Louis frowned to himself before he got a glass of water and walked upstairs, he glanced at the lad and noticed the slight sniffles.

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