Past and Present

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(Y/N) pov:


I looked down and held no emotion while my tears slowly stopped. The monster raised its hand and was going to smack it down on top of me. I then moved out of they way quickly and was not even trying at all. I looked up at the monster and wiped away my tears. I put down my backpack and then saw something came out in front of me. I looked to see two katanas that have the same design. (if you don't like it then change it to your weapon of choice) I took both of them one in each hand. I then looked up at the monster and nod.

I then started to run up to the monster not regretting what I'm going to do. Yes I know I'm a 10 year old girl with two weapons and people may say I don't know how to use it but I actually do. I was then stopped by someone that came in front of me and the monster. "Bankai scatter senbonzakura." The person in front of me said and suddenly the monster perished. The katanas that I had suddenly disappeared.

I kept looking at the person who saved me even though I wanted to take it. The person standing in front of me had two white clips in his hair and was also separating parts of his bangs slightly. He also had long black hair. He then turned around and looked down at me. I looked at him with no glint of emotion in my eyes. I baled down slightly. "Thank you." I then stand up straight and turned around to get my backpack and started to walk back home with no parents any more. That was also the last time I saw the person who helped me.


I was walking to my school with my backpack strap on my left sholder. I had my earbuds on and was hearing 'Dancing With The Devil' by Breaking Benjamin. I was at school grounds of Karakura High School. I walked by a few people and they were staring at me and started to whisper. I know every thing that they talked about when I didn't have my music on. I continued to walk inside of school and started walking to my class. I then made it into my class and walked in and instead of hearing loud people everyone was quiet and was now whispering.

I sighed and sat to my seat which was the back row next to the window. I looked out of the window still hearing my music for a bit longer. The bell then rang signaling for everyone to get to class and get into their seats. Since I was at my seat already all I have to do was to turn off my music and my phone. I took out my books and a pencil to take note. I then sighed as I now what day was it today for me. 'Time to go to my parents grave today.'

~time skip to lunch.~

When the bell rang saying that it was lunch time already I put away my things and grabbed my lunch. I started to walk up to the roof since no one goes up there that often. Once I made it to the roof with my lunch in hand no one was at the roof so I was glad. I then sat down next to the edge of the building of my school and started eating. While I was half way finishing my lunch I heard a large screech and see a hollow coming out hitting the side of the school. The hollow made a slight damage but was big enough for people to get injured. I sighed and placed down my lunch to the side.

I then saw the hollow coming towards me. I get up off the ground and held out hands. After I had my hands out, both of my twin katanas were right beside me in a split second. I then had this strong spiritual pressure going around me and could gain attention from other hollows but I was making it seem low to them but not to others. My (e/c) then turned into a (f/c) and my (h/c) now turned into a (s/f/c).

I took out both of my katanas and held them I front of me. I then let out some words that can help me kill this hollow with one shot. "Bankai Kuraidesu Tenshi Bara." (Meaning: dark angel  rose) As I said those four words a huge gust of wind came and it was caring rose petals and feathers with it and it went around the hollow creating and illusion. With the feathers and rose petals that were around it it gave me the advantage. "Now." Once I said those words the feathers and the rose petals turned into knifes and pointed straight at the hollow in every direction. Then all of the knifes stabbed the hollow and it's weak points too and caused it to die.

I sheath my katana and they disappeared and my black hair and (f/c) eyes went back to my original color. I then watch as the hollow disappears and the knife turned back to feathers and rose petals and flew away gently into the breeze. I sat back down to were I was and saw all the students from my school leave and go home early due to the incident. When I sat down I heard the door open from the exit to the roof and saw two people walk up here on the roof.

I then sighed and got my things to leave but I was stopped by a girl with short black hair and dark purple eyes. "Did you kill that hollow?" I closed my eyes for a bit and I know more rumors were going to spread but I didn't care so I nod. Then a guy with spiky orange hair and brown eyes came up to me too. "Can you see those hollows?" I then open my eyes and released that they were talking about the hollows. "Wait can you see those too?" I said a bit surprised but not to surprised that you can see on my face. They both nod and I blinked for a few times. "So I'm not the only one?" I said to myself.

I then looked back at them and started to feel their spiritual pressure. I was then amazed a bit when I felt it. "Oh I haven't introduce myself. My names Rukia Kuchiki. And this idiot is Ichigo Kurosaki. What's your name?" Rukia said. "(y/n) (l/n) nice to meet you. But now will you excuse me I need to go do important things right now." I said not trying to be rude and I got my things and left.

~Rukias pov~

Me and Ichigo saw (Y/N) go out of the door from the roof. I then looked back at Ichigo. "Ichigo did you feel her spiritual pressure." The strawberry head nods and was still looking at the door where (y/n) left out from. "Oi Ichigo you know we have to find her right." I then looked up at the sky to see thick clouds. "We better get inside and leave quick or we're going to get soaked in the rain." I smack his back so he can stop staring off of space. "Oi! What was that for?!" Ichigo said and place a hand on his back. "That's what you get for not listening. Now let's go."

I started to walk out of the roof and head inside of school to get my things and told Ichigo to hurry up. I then started too think about what (y/n) did when she was fighting with the hollow. 'How does she know bankai if only us soul reapers know it?' I then started to replayed the memories of what happen today in my head.

~flashback Rukia pov~

Once me and Ichigo heard the hollow we started to head to the roof because that's where the hollow will be. Once me and Ichigo where there I stopped and open the door slightly and saw a girl with our school uniform on. I then saw the hollow coming at her so did Ichigo and he started to freak out but stopped. We both saw her held out her hands and two katanas came out of no where. We also saw how her (h/c) turned (s/f/c) and her (e/c) turned (f/c).Both me and Ichigo had our eyes widen once we heard the word bankai.

We then saw feathers and rose petals go around the hollow creating a illusion. "Now." I heard from her and I saw how the feathers and rose petals turned into knifes and attacked the hollow in one go and killed it.

I was shocked on how both things. It was how easily she killed the hollow and how she used bankai. I then saw her go back to her normal form. That's when me and Ichigo went up to her and introduce our self and that's it.

~end of flashback.~

I stopped when me and Ichigo made it to the school exit and it started to rain lightly. "We better hurry before it get worse." I said as I held out my hand out felling the rain. "Yeah let's go." Ichigo said and started to walk mostly jogging so since it was raining lightly we could get wet a bit if we jogged so I followed him.

We were jogging for almost five minutes and we were at the entrance of a gave yard. I saw Ichigo stopped and looked at it. I knew what he was thinking so I let him go. "You can go if you want Ichigo. I'm not holding you back." I said as he looked at me and nod. "Thanks Rukia. Tell my old man that I'll be there later." He said and then started to walk into the grave yard. I nod and then started to run to Ichigo's place because I still living there for a bit longer. Once I made it there I told Ichigo's dad that he will be here later on.

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