Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"We think we want to come out to the public." Ashton said and I looked up at them panicked along with Makenna and Luke. "We're both fine with it and know the ups and downs."

"Ash, I'm not trying to be the bearer of bad new but do you know how much the press will eat this up? Do you know how much they can ruin both of our careers with this due to the age gap?" Luke asked.

"The age gap is about ten years, it's not that much." Ashton told him. "Look at Jay-Z and Beyoncé. They have have a large age gap aswell, it's not going to change much of anything. A few articles but that's it."

"Are you-Are you both positive you're ready to come out?" Luke asked after he was quiet. They nodded and my heart swelled because they were so cute... even if she did call me mea satanist before.

"I've never been more sure about anything." Ashton said and Charlotte smiled at him.

"I second that." Charlotte told him and I looked at Makenna. I nudged her and she looked a bit conflicted.

"Are you okay?" I asked her quietly and she looked up at me. She nodded and I wanted to ask her if she was sure, but I didn't want to push her in public.

"When will this be taking place?" Calum asked, okay with the whole idea of them. "Have you scheduled an interview?" Ashton nodded and Michael threw an arm over his shoulder.

"That's amazing buddy." Michael said and Ashton thanked him. "I'm happy you two are ready for this." He said and Ashton nodded.

I took a drink of my water and then looked and Makenna again. I scooted closer to her and she leaned her head on my shoulder as she ran her thumb over my knuckles.

I need to ask this girl out on another date soon.

"We have a concert coming up next week," Luke said and I looked at him. "Do you guys want to come with?" He asked and I nodded quickly.

"I'd love to." Charlotte said and Ashton smiled and gave her her a quick kiss. He seemed extremely happy that she wanted to go and it made me smile.

"I'm in." Kenna said and Charlotte nodded. "I really want to see why so many girls love you." She joked and I laughed quietly.

"I don't even know why." Michael said and I shook my head. "We're idiots who make sounds." He said and I covered my mouth with my free hand as I laughed.

"You are idiots." I said and he stuck his tongue out at me. "Poke your tongue at me again, I'll throw a basketball at you." I said and he laughed.

"Sophia, did you know that the girls basketball team needs another member since one quit?" Makenna asked me and I shook my head.

"You're serious?" I gasped and she nodded. "Do you think if I try out I'll make the team?" I askdd her and she nodded.

"Not many girls even want to try out so you'd have it in the bag if you tried out." She told me and I looked at Michael and Calum.

"Can I try out?"

"Of course you can." Calum said and Michael nodded. "I know how much you love basketball." He told me and I nodded.

"Tryouts are right after school in the gymnasium." She told me and I nodded. "Some girls at ballet who go to our school told me about it."

"In speaking of ballet, Makenna, whe b is your next dance recitle?" Ashton asked her and she thought about it.

"I don't know. Miss Mariana was talking about one next month but then again that'd be too soon because we haven't even began practicing." She said and he nodded.

"We've got and ballerina and a basketball player," Charlotte commented and I smiled. "How amazing is that."

"Very." Calum said and I chuckled.

The waiter came around again sith some appetizers and then he asked for our main meals. We all ordered, and since I didn't know much of what was on the menu, I just got the same things as Makenna, spaghetti abd meatballs.

Nothing beats the classic, cliche dinners man.

I grabbed a mozzarella stick and Makenna sh ook her head at me. "You're such a kid," she said but grabbed one herself. "And so am I."

"Me three." Ashton said and grabbed one. I laughed a bit and then bit into the cheese stick. Charlotte roller her eyes at him and went for the bread and cheese dip instead.

"I am a grown man." Calum said and then took a drink of his soda. "I drink beer and eat extra big hamburgers." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"You also scream during scary movies and play video games." Makenna said nonchantly and Luke laughed.

"Makenna," Charlotte scolded but then laughed. "That was perfect. High-five baby." She said and I chuckled as the two high-fived.

I took another drink of water and then set my cup down as Makenna took her head off of me.

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