Chapter 25

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Scott's POV

After I knocked out Peter Liam came rushing in.

"Guys! Lexi and Kate! Something's happening!", he yelled odviously out of breathe. I grabbed Peter and we all ran to the entrance, When we set foot outside, we saw Lexi holding Kate up by the neck.

"Lexi?", I asked. When she turned around... I was in shock. Her eyes were pure black. Like no pupil, nothing. She looked possessed or something. We all stepped back in fear when we saw her eyes, She frowned when we did that. Uh oh.

She slammed Kate to the ground and turned around. Kate jumped up and grabbed Lexi's arm and bit her and stabbed her in the stomach.

"NOOO!!!!", we all yelled. Kate dropped her to the ground and ran off. Everyone ran towards her.

Liam's POV

When I saw Lexi's eyes I took a step back. Her eyes were all black. She didn't look happy when we did that and threw Kate to the ground and began to walk away. Kate jumped up. Grabbed her arm. and.. Oh No!

"Lexi!!!", I shouted and ran to her. I picked her up and held her in my arms.

"No no no no! This can't be happening! Please no!", I cried out. Everyone gathered around her and sat down.

"Liam", she said in a quiet whisper.

"I-I love yo-", her eyes stopped blinking and her hand hit the ground. I started crying, as did everyone else. Lexi mean't so much to me, and now she's gone. Scott grabbed her wrist and then his eyes widened.

"Gu-Guys! I-I have a pulse!" I shot my head up and listened to her heart beat. If you waited a minute or two you could hear it. She wasn't dead? Oh thanks god!

"Wait.. Doesn't this mean that she's..", Stiles began, but couldn't finish.

"Let's take her to Deaton, He'll know what to-", he stopped, because Argent came around the corner and dropped his gun to the floor. Scott ran up to him and told him there was a pulse.

He came back minutes later and helped me get her into the car. Everything is happening so fast. I thought Lexi died, but still has a pulse. And now were rushing to get home. All I could think was...

What's going to happen to her?


Word Count: 387

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