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Ryan had all but dragged Patrick back to his hideout. He begged, he pleaded, he threw Patrick over his skinny shoulder and carried him a good twenty feet before collapsing from exhaustion. Ryan had never been strong enough to carry someone longer than ten seconds. He was proud of himself for making it so far.

"You can't just go back there," Ryan reasoned.

"And why not? My friend could be back at any moment."

"Listen. Those things are still around. With any luck your friend will see them a stay clear of that place."

"But how will he know I'm alive?"

"Honestly?" Ryan sighed. "He won't. And I'm sorry, but I'm not letting you go back there just to be killed off."

Patrick knew that if he was in Ryan's position he'd be doing the same thing. Human life was so precious right now everything had to be done to preserve it.

"I understand," Patrick whispered.

"Let's go. We're almost there," Ryan said as he gestured to the only fortified building in sight. Every other one was in shambles.

The duo picked up the pace as the wind speed up. Patrick shivered as the cold air weaved its way through his thin t-shirt. Ryan noticed, but didn't say anything. They'd be inside soon enough and Ryan would be sure to find something warm for him.

Ryan pulled open the door of the building and waved Patrick inside.


The building itself had once been an abandoned warehouse. However, sometime before the invasion, someone had redone the inside making it livable. From what Patrick could see, there was a living room and kitchen. He was sure there was at least one bedroom and bathroom tucked deeper inside the building.

"Ryan!" someone shouted.

Patrick flinched back and hid behind Ryan's lanky figure.

"Hey, Bren."

A man shorter than Ryan stuck his head out of a door, taking in the two in the doorway. Patrick noted the man's large forehead and puppy dog demeanour.

"Who's this?"

"Brendon, this is Patrick. Patrick, this is my friend Brendon."

Patrick faintly noticed how Ryan hesitated on the word friend. He didn't mention it, however. Instead he opted to smile warmly at Brendon.

"Nice to meet you."

Brendon gave Patrick a curt nod in reply and vanished from site.

"Sorry 'bout him. He's in one of his pissy moods tonight. He'll cheer up by morning. For now make yourself at home. I'm gonna get out of this, and we can talk, or if you want I can get you some blankets and you can sleep," Ryan offered.

"I'm fine. Sleep schedule's been fucked for months."

"Understandable. I'll be back then."

Patrick watched as Ryan wandered off before seating himself on the sofa. He hoped Joe was alright.

"So, where did Ryan pick you up?" Brendon asked, startling Patrick.

"Uh, that orange building."

"Ah. Did you have anyone with you?"

"He was doing a run. I'm not sure where he is now."

Brendon didn't ask anymore question. Instead he sat somewhat close to Patrick and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. They remained engulfed in silence until Ryan returned.

The Sunshine in My Veins (Peterick) ➳ Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن