I Go On My Quest

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In the morning I got my stuff and went to the exit of camp and found that Annabeth and Leo waiting for me.

"Percy you said meet here at 5am it's 6am,"Annabeth yelled at me.

"Sorry,"I said.

"Whatever let's go kick some butt,"Leo said.

"Ok,"I said.

When we got out of camp we didn't really know what to do so we went and got on a bus.I was busy thinking about the guy named Order and how he wants to kill me, but I will tell Annabeth tonight.When we got off the bus we were at the edge of manhattan.Then we were going to ride a boat but Leo made us ride his robotic dragon. When we were in the air. I was scared out of my mined Zeus please don't strike me I said in my mined. Luckily I didn't get shot with lightning.We landed at the store to the underworld. I walked up to the dead person at the counter.

"To the underworld,"I said.

"Kill your self and come back," he said.

I grabbed three golden drachmas,and set them on the table.

"Ahh three passengers to the underworld,"he said and brought us to the elevator.

When we were in the elevator Leo was freaking out because the guy turned into a skeleton. me and Annabeth already knew that so we didn't freak out. when we got to the bottom he this is as far as I go.

"Ya ok whatever," I said casually.

"Finally the creapy skeleton is gone,"Leo said.

"So right now we need to get to the entrance of Tartarus,"Annabeth said.

"Wait this isn't the entrance to Tartarus man Tartarus is going to give me nightmares.

"First we need to get past the three fury,"Annabeth said.

"I got that covered,"I said.

When we got to the place where the fury was I told Leo and Annabeth ran over to a rock. I ran out in open wuzz up my old friends I said to get them to look at me.

"Perseus Jackson come here to die,"my old teacher said.

" If that's the question than yes I am,"I said.

Then she grabbed her whip and attacked.I grabbed riptide and started slicing I got a slice on her chest. sadly I forgot about the other two. I turned around and they were with there whips they whipped me about one hundred before I got my first cut now I had all three on me. All at once I was back up but I was not fighting the fury I was in a white room. Then a person came in and he is all black.

"I am chaos maker of the and all of that stuff anyway you are dead so here's your choices you can join the army and become second in charge because of course I'm in first in charge and here is your second stay dead what's your choice," chaos said.

"Wait what your chaos and you want me of all people to be second in command,"I said.

"Ya that sums it up,"he said casually.

"I guess I'm second in command for the chaos army.

Percy Jackson and the army of chaosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora