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I was so close to running off in tears . Though , Soul had grabbed my arm . He pulled me closer . His arms were around my waist . Leaning closer . He pressed his lips against mine . Feeling his soft lips . I felt his tongue trying to force it's way in my mouth . Suddenly , it had entered . Our tongues rubbed against each other . Playing with each other . Suddenly , he pulled away . Blushing .

" I - I'm sorry . "

" Soul . . . Are you gay . . . ? "

" I - I don't know . . . "

He was the one who ran off . I was so confused . What was his problem ? I couldn't take this . It was if there was a war in my mind . And it hurt when he left . It was like watching him walk out of my life . No words had been said , nor , a simple stare . Did I stop him ? No , I didn't .

I felt like I should of stopped him . I loved . . . Do I really love him ? I don't even know ! He's all I ever wanted . I finally realized I was gay when I thought about . . . ' girls . ' I don't know . They were just not appealing like guys were . Though , I really didn't know I would fall for a guy . Especially Soul .

I remember the first time I saw him . I felt as if I saw nothing but him . He was an angel . Though . I knew he wouldn't love me . But . . .

What was that . . . ?

He couldn't have done that if he wasn't attracted to me . Though , it could always be a dare . A really harsh one . I wonder . I should go looking for him . . . Though , I don't even know what to do now . Everything just seems so wrong . . .

Asymmetrical Lovers ( Soul x Kid ) ( Soul Eater )Where stories live. Discover now