Chapter 6 - Curfews Are Just Suggestions

Start from the beginning

Back in the common room, Wren forced me into one of the chairs by the fireplace, and Wren and Albus settled themselves near me. James disappeared at some point. Soon, several other Gryffindor first and second years had joined us.

They made me recount the tale of my head injury at least ten times, and Wren was hailed as a hero for stupefying Ciara. Malfoy was a hated name in Gryffindor. Eventually, the talk turned to our families.

"I'm named after my uncle," Colin Creevey (who didn't seem to have anything against James at all, from what I could tell) said proudly. "He died in the Battle of Hogwarts."

"So did my aunt," Iris Brown piped up.

Luke Castel sighed. "I'm not related to anyone who fought. Being muggleborn really stinks sometimes."

"It's not that bad," a second year girl, Lillie Collins said. "I'm muggleborn too. And so is Astra. We don't mind, do we?" I shook my head.

"At least we aren't Malfoys," Lillie continued, drawing a laugh out of most of the students.

Lacy Macmillian nodded eagerly. "My dad was in Draco Malfoy's year, and he says that Mr. Malfoy actually used the m-word. All the time!"

Roxanne nodded sagely. "He called my Aunt Hermione that. Right, Albus?" Albus nodded his agreement.

Eric Finnigan frowned. "My dad remembers that. And that Mr. Malfoy was a Death Eater."

"I'm glad I'm not related to any Death Eaters," Mackenzie said. "My parents wanted to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts, but they were only fifth years, so they weren't old enough."

The clock on the wall tolled eleven, and the huddle of students started drifting off to bed. Finally, all that were left by the fire were me, Albus, and Wren.

I was about to suggest we go to bed as well, because we were the youngest ones left in the common room, when James stumbled through the portrait hole.

"Guys! Guys! I have a way to get Ciara back!" he called breathlessly.

"Oh, really?" I couldn't keep the skepticism out of my tone. How on earth would we get revenge on her now? She was probably tucked away in the Slytherin common room by now, since it was past curfew.

"Where were you?" Wren asked, glanced between James and the portrait hole.

"Out," he said simply. "Anyway, I convinced her to meet us in the trophy room tonight for a wizard's duel. It'll be easy, since I'm a second year, and I know more spells than her. I'll just disarm her."

"Amazing plan," I said sarcastically, "but how is that revenge? Wouldn't I have to fight her, anyway?"

"You didn't let me finish! Of course you'd have to fight her, right, just use Expelliarmus. Anyway, after the wizard's duel, we get out of there as fast as possible. You see, I tipped off Professor Longbottom that I heard Ciara and her friends talking about sneaking up to the trophy room at midnight, but I told him that it'd be about twenty minutes after I told Ciara to meet us there. He'll catch her and her little friends out after curfew!"

"What if they don't show up?" I asked.

"Are you seriously considering this?" Wren hissed to me.

"We'll get in so much trouble!" Albus added.

James shrugged. "All right, you two stay here."

"You aren't allowed to go!"

"Oh really?" James asked, grinning. "Victoire!" He ran over to a tall blonde girl, who I sort of recognized as a Weasley.

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