~Shinnas POV~
I started moaning out throughout the kisses and I'd have to admit jeff kisses were amazing. He started licking the bottom of my lips asking for entrance and I shyly accepted as he made his way around my mouth and he pulled from the kiss and we went at it again as hit started boring my lower lip and I groaned a little and I squeezed his left ass cheek and laughed as he freaked out. Jeff got on top of me and pinned me down leading kisses from my cheek down to my neck. A few moans escaped my lips here and there a couple times till he bite my neck playfully and started leaving trails of love marks all over my neck. He nibbled on neck for a few minutes before kissing me again but this time more soft and slow. After kissing we stopped to catch our breath. Jeff looked at me a I could tell he was happy by the way he was acting. I pulled him into a tight hug and kissed his cheek. He then told me slender was gonna let me start training after halloween since what happened yesterday. I started to kinda miss my friends again I wonder how they are doing right now if they missed Me any I felt bad for disappearing for this long but maybe I'll bump into them tonight .... Hopefully.

Jack and Ben has been smiling and snickering at me and jeff since we walked out the room jeff quickly hid my neck with my hair and turned away embaressed. I giggled and asked jeff if he left me hickeys and he quickly nodded and I bursted out in loud laughter but he shifted his hand over my mouth trying not to draw more attention to what was now happening.

~Jeff's POV~
I could feel the heat appear on my face and I can't believe I left hickys on shinna slendys gonna kill me if he finds out. Fingers crossed hoping he doesn't he'd best the living shit out of me plus she's the new proxy and all and she has a major job to do and this new training tomorrow he be mad if we even (wink) (wink). Well I'm not thinking on it anyways (liar). Still don't understand why that red head tried to attack us and why shinna went up in flames. ~signs~ I'm glad she's fine now though. This date better not get fucked up by anyone or I'll fucking kill them before they even shuffle a scream from their pathetic mouth. Too bad I didn't get to kill anyone I sure love to but poor shinna hates it though ik afraids she's gonna be doing that soon.

Maybe she don't have to but I fear she does. Well its Now noon and the suns going down we should get ready for tonight. Tonight is when the creeps come out from their hiding places and have a little fun out there with all the kids that always walk alone. I found the perfect place to have the date at with my blossom.


As me and jeff got everyone ready we went on with our date and jeff quickly covered my eyes when we were close I could only feel the cold chills of the winter breeze brush against my cheeks. I squilled when I thought I stepped on something wet. Jeff told me it was just was just some water from a eaterhose nearby that was left on I could actually here it running from where we stranded. We continued our walk with me still blinded by jeffsbhand I almost fell a couple times but I managed to catch my balance and keep from smashing my face into the side walk.


After a good 20 minutes of walking what seemed to be forever I could now feel softness under my feet. It was grass and I signed in relief that we was much closer to our destination. I giggled as I heard jeff cursed under his breath about it being so cold. He thumped my forehead making me yelp and slap the back of his hand and busted out laughing till he picked me up bridal style making me stuff my face into his warm chest. I groaned and asked "are we almost there its cold you know" I giggles out. "Were here" "really ?". Jeff puts me down I'm still facing him till he points at a frozen lake there was a few stuff scattered around and he started a small fire and he pulled me into his lap and blew warm air into my hands since they were really cold. I smiled and kissed him sweetly. He suddenly kissed back but he pushed me off him n said "your it find me" and ran off I yelled "you will be devoured by my beastly looks" and I googled at my own comment running to look for my crazy boyfriend. I stopped every couple steps watching and listening for Amy possibly sound from him but I heard nothing it was odly quiet. I slightly shuffles a small quiet giggle when I saw something white run by I knew from the sight it was jeff because he worn the white hoodie so I quickly yet quietly ten the directing I saw him run but I bumped into someone but I could see there was very little light. I gulped and slowly backed away only to be yanked towards them. I went to scream but who ever this person was covered my mouth. I struggled to get out their grip but a rock made contact to the side of their head and I looked to the direction it came from it was nina. A smile appeared on my face as she yanked me from the tight grip of the unknown person. We ran out of their view and we kept running till we was under a street light I gasped for air but suddenly was yanked again by Nina we ran again she was desperately looking for anyone just as long as I wasn't alone I was now feeling sore. My legs were starting to burn from all this running and I kept tripping over small things and even my feet.

Jeff the Killer (love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin