Part One

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((This probably wont go according to the original story line to Lost, and the characters will probably be really OOC, I apologize--
Anyway, please enjoy and leave comments about what you think! ^^ ))

Your eyes shot open, pain shooting through your head as you stared up at the bright, blue sky, squinting your eyes ever so slightly. Where am I...? You thought. As you slowly sat up in the sand, you quickly brought your hand to your forehead, then feeling your fingers touch a thick, warm liquid. You flinched in pain. As you glanced around, you could see a bunch people frantically making their way around the beach, some screaming hysterically. Memories began flooding your brain as you scanned the area, eyes widening. You quickly stood up, swiftly raking your hands through your (H/C) hair.
You spotted a man with blond hair, about your age, lying on the ground a couple feet away from you. Without thinking, you quickly ran over to the man, kneeling next to him. You lightly shook him, your hands placed on his shoulders. "Wake up, please wake-" You were suddenly cut off by a pained groan. You let out a small sigh of relief. After a quick moment, the man sat up and glanced around at his surroundings, beginning to look fearful and shocked. He turned to face you, light blue-green eyes staring directly into your own pair of (E/C) eyes.
Before you could speak up, he beat you to it. "W-what happened?" He asked, panting slightly with widened eyes. You looked around, before facing him once more. "We... we were in a plane crash... I can't really remember anything that happened, it all kind of went black after the turbulence." You said, sighing lightly. The man nodded as a response, seeming speechless. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't seem to make any type of noise. You spoke up once again. "Here," you said, standing up and holding a hand out in front of him. He reluctantly grabbed your hand and stood up as well.
"Where are we?" He asked. You glanced around before staring up at him. "I-I'm not sure..." You trailed off.
"Hey! You two over there!" An unknown voice called. The two of you had then turned around, meeting a tall man with short, raven hair. "Are you two all right?" He questioned. You nodded. In response he held out his hand. "I'm Jack. Jack Shephard." You took his hand in your own and shook it, offering a small, relieved smile. "(Y/N)." He reached his hand out to the man next to you as well. He hesitantly shook it with his own, nodding. "Charlie," He paused momentarily. "Do you know where we are?" The man, now known as Charlie questioned.
Jack shook his head. "No... not exactly. I'm still trying to find out if there are more survivors from the crash. You two want to help?" You nodded as a response, and Charlie said, "Um, sure..." He trailed off.
Jack nodded and slowly made his way to the jungle that waited for them on the outskirts of the beach. Charlie followed him, you walking next to him. You glanced around, fearful of what lurked beyond the trees as strange noises came from bushes around the small group. "Stay close." Ordered Jack as he slowed his pace. Charlie's breath hitched as he heard a rather loud twig snap. You became tense, looking around at your mysterious surroundings. As you all made your way further into the jungle, you spotted something shining through the leaves and silently motioned for the two men to follow behind. You cautiously followed the light, a small gasp escaping your lips at the sight, eyes widening. "W-what?" It was the front of the airplane. Jack called from behind. "You two, follow me! There could still be survivors inside!" You and Charlie nodded quietly, trailing behind Jack. As you began your decent into the front of the airplane, you slipped and began to fall, having a large piece of metal slice part of your leg in the process. You winced in pain as someone quickly grabbed your hand, keeping you from falling. You looked up to find that Charlie had saved you from falling. "You all right, (Y/N)?" You silently nodded, ignoring the pain in your leg and helped him pull you up, grabbing part of the plane to keep your balance.
After a while of finding utterly nothing, besides, on the bright side, a transceiver that still worked, you all continued making your way further into the unknown field of trees. Jack decided that it would be best that he continued on his own and, after arguing for a couple minutes, you and Charlie were left alone. You glanced over to the blond. "You know what? I feel like I've seen you before..." You mused aloud, facing the man. After hearing what you said, Charlie had suddenly perked up and smiled. "Oh yeah! I was actually one of the guitarists in Drive Shaft! You've heard this song, yeah?" He said, as he then began singing a small part of the song You All Everybody, by, of course, Drive Shaft. You giggled lightly and nodded a bit, your (H/C) hair falling in front of your eyes. His eyes brightened a bit and his cheeks flushed a light red as he offered you a smile. Charlie slowly lifted a hand and brushed a few pieces of hair out of your eyes. You blushed lightly. You were about to speak, until someone had cleared their throat rather loudly.
You turned around to see the one and only, James, the man who was seated next to you on the plane. He smirked lightly, leaning on a nearby tree. "Oh, I'm sorry, am I interupting something?" His smirk widened even more as Charlie swiftly removed his hand from your face, smile fading ever so slightly. "No, you weren't interupting anything. Now what the bloody hell are you doing here?" James took a step forward and placed his hands on his hips. "Should I be ashamed of just talking a stroll through the woods, when I happened to just pass by as you two were..." He trailed off, making obscene gestures with his hands. You blushed, embarrassed. "We weren't doing anything like that." You sent a glare towards James as Charlie took yet another step forward, now standing in front of you. "Don't you have anything better to do right now?" He asked James. The man just grinned widely and chuckled. "What if I don't?" James took a step towards you and Charlie. "What are you going to do about it?" Without thinking, Charlie threw a hard punch at James, making him stumble backwards just a bit, holding his jaw with his hand. "Is that really all you've got?" He grinned. You took a step forward. "Please, Charlie, lets just leave him," you pleaded, pulling on Charlie's sleeve. He glanced down at you and lowered his fist, seeing that you were frightened. "Fine-" He was then cut off by a large fist coming in contact with his jaw, causing him to collapse to the ground unconscious. Your (E/C) eyes widened as you stared up at James. You quickly shook your head and ran to the side of Charlie, shaking him just a bit. "C-Charlie... wake up, please..." you paused momentarily to then hear twigs snapping nearby. You froze and looked up to see that, instead of James, Jack was standing next to a tree, panting, out of breath. "Are you oka- What happened?" He asked, seeing Charlie's condition. "James attacked him..." you trailed off. The doctor nodded, rushing to the side of the man lying on the ground, examining him. "D-do you think he'll be all right?" You asked, staring up at Jack. "I think he'll be fine... he will probably be out for a couple days though..." he paused. "Here, help me get him up." He said to you, then grabbing one of his arms, you doing the same. "On three. One, two... three." He said, then pulling Charlie up from the ground, you mimicking his actions and putting his arm around your shoulder. Once you and Jack made it to the beach with Charlie, you created a small tent with a makeshift bed, carefully placing Charlie on top.

A few days later, Charlie's eyes fluttered open to the sound of ocean waves. He felt something on his forehead and sat up, then holding what seemed to be a wet washcloth. He winced in pain, settling his hand on his jaw. "You should be more careful, you know?" A sudden, yet rather familiar voice said. It was (Y/N). You slowly walked over to him and sat next to him in the sand. "How are you feeling? You've been out a couple of days..." His eyes widened slightly and he quickly, but clumsily stood up, placing a hand on a nearby makeshift table for balance. "A couple of days?" He seemed out of breath. "Yeah... James seemed to hit you pretty hard." You said, standing up to lean onto the table next to him. He seemed to grimace at the memory of James punching him. Charlie then glanced over to you, worry flashing across his eyes. "He didn't hurt you did he?" You shook your head in response. "No, I'm fine, really." You offered him a friendly smile. He returned the smile and chuckled lightly. "Good." You giggled a bit and began to notice that now that you take a look at him, he's actually fairly attractive. In a way, he's actually kind of adorable. You laugh a little at the thought. "Whats so funny?" He says, acting hurt. "Oh, it's nothing." Charlie smirks. "Oh yeah? If it was nothing, you wouldn't have been laughing." He stated, trying not to laugh a bit himself.
Then, all of a sudden, and idea came to Charlie's mind and he grinned, quickly tackling you to the ground. You couldn't stop laughing, trying to pry his hands off of you. He was trying to start a tickle fight in attempt to lighten the mood. After a while, both of you out of breath, he glanced into your eyes as he hovered above you.
Not the awkward silence,
But the rather comfortable silence.
You let out a content sigh and allowed a small smile to grace your lips. Charlie gladly returned the smile, before then glancing down at your lips. He leaned in slowly, right before his lips had come in contact with your own. Charlie smiled into the kiss as you obliged, returning the kiss happily, wrapping your arms around his neck and tangling your hands in his sandy colored hair.
"I think I've fallen in love with you (Y/N)." Charlie said as the two of you had pulled apart from the sweet kiss. You smiled. "Well I think I've fallen in love with you too..." you leaned in, pulling him into another sweet and passionate kiss.

You'll Be Just Fine, Love (Charlie Pace x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now