Needless to say, Denmark's face went beet red. That didn't stop him from reaching over, cupping Norway's neck and pulling the Norwegian's face slowly towards his until their lips met. Norway's hand reached under Denmark's chin and held him closer until they had broken off, their foreheads resting against the others'. Denmark grinned and kissed Norway one more time before leaning over and sifting through the CDs Norway had collected. They had planned to watch a few movies together before going to the park to fish. Iceland came out shortly after, silently wrapping himself in one of the blankets.

"Please don't make me watch Disney," was all he said as he sat down. Norway naturally responded by pulling out "Brother Bear" from the stack, which Denmark nodded to in approval.

And thus, they watched Disney.

Iceland glared at Norway throughout the Disney chime and corporation animation at the beginning, but secretly he loved that movie. Norway curled up next to Iceland, and Denmark rested his entire weight on the opposite side of Iceland, sardining Iceland in between them. All three of them hummed along to the songs.

Once that movie had finished, Iceland slipped "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron" out of its casing and held it in front of him, and Norway was about to protest it when Denmark put the CD in. Norway bit his lip, knowing that he always cried in that movie. When it came time, he hid his face behind the blankets so the other two wouldn't see his tears, even though only two slipped through his eyelashes.

Once the movie had finished they proceeded to play Twister. It ended when Denmark, who both Norway and Iceland had been bent over, caved in and all three of them toppled down, and for once they all shared a laugh or two. They went for a walk afterward, getting a cup of ice cream and going to the park to fish. They walked to a forest and hiked for a little while, and then walked back home. When they reached the house, Denmark said that he would go and get dinner. Norway and Iceland shrugged, telling him to go ahead. In the meantime, Iceland convinced Norway to play video games with him.

An hour went by... Two...

Three hours... Four...

It had been six hours since Iceland and Norway had seen Denmark. Norway called Denmark as he cooked Ramen on the stove, but all he got was voicemail. The blonde Norwegian groaned as the annoying bleep came through the phone speaker and told him to leave a message, to which Norway responded by snapping his out-of-date flip-phone shut.

"Must've gone to the bar after all," he muttered under his breath as he re-entered the room where Iceland still played on the game. The Icelandic paused the game as Norway entered with two bowls of Ramen.

"Well? Where is he?" Iceland asked as he carefully sipped at some of the broth. Norway shrugged and shook his head, taking a spoonful of broth and placing it in his mouth after blowing on it for awhile.

"No idea. I got voicemail." Iceland furrowed his eyebrows at this and laughed nervously.

"He must have his phone off, if he didn't answer a call from you." Norway snapped his head to Iceland and, with a rather dangerous tone of voice asked "what's that supposed to mean, exactly?" Iceland smirked and shoved Norway's shoulder.

"Oh come on, I've known he likes you since the Viking Era." Norway blushed slightly, but only a barely detectable shade redder than his normal skin color.

"He must be at the bar," Norway stated again, shrugging as if he didn't care. In reality he was quite worried. It wasn't uncommon for Denmark to be distracted and forget about a chore of sorts and go to the bar instead, but he always called to tell them that he was going to be late. Eventually Iceland retired to his bedroom, and Norway said goodnight to him before turning on the news. Nothing peculiar was on the news, no shootings or car accidents. His nerves soothed, Norway shut the television off and was about to go to his room when he saw one of the pictures that the Nordics had taken together. He picked up the frame and looked at it with an almost fond expression before placing it back on the side table. As Norway walked down the hallway he looked at the other photos that hung on the wall. Noticing a crooked frame, Norway sighed and began fixing its angle when he looked at the drawn portrait that seemed so old now.

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