"Scott, Isaac." I said seeing the two standing in my living room. "Derek." they replied at the same time. It was kind of creepy honestly. "Why are you here?" I asked looking at the clock on my wall to see it was only 8am and normally they are still sleeping. "training?" Scott questioned. "You rescheduled for this morning?" he added. "I did?" I questioned more myself than them. "Yeah, you did." Isaac said clearly confused.

"Derek what are you-oh.."Stiles said making the three of us look at him. "Shit." I said under my breath. "What are you doing here Stiles?" Scott asked. "More importantly, why are you in Derek's clothes?" Isaac asked. Stiles looked down at my shirt and sweatpants that hung loosely on his body. "I uh.." He started. "He needed a place to crash last night." I said quickly. Both beta's gave me a look of disbelief. "Just tell them." Stiles said softly. "Tell us what?" Scott interrupted. "You sure?" I asked Stiles. He nodded "yeah, I am." He said walking toward me. 

"We're waiting." Isaac said impatiently. "Stiles and I, are together." I said. Scott choked on the water he had gotten before this conversation continued. "What!?" He yelled. "Don't tell anyone." Stiles said. I looked at him. "I just... I thought I was ready and I'm not." I smiled grabbing his hand trying to calm him down. Scott shook his head angrily storming out of the loft. The look on Stiles' face broke me. He watched as Isaac got up to follow Scott out. Stiles looked around the room trying not to cry. 

"Babe" I said softly. "that's why I didn't want to tell them to begin with." He said pushing himself off the couch and going into my room. I sighed following him.

"Derek" Isaac said walking into my loft. "Stiles was out with someone else today." He said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "I saw him with some other guy. They were holding hands and stuff." He said. "That's funny, because Stiles is here. Upstairs actually. Just got out of the shower." I said looking at the beta with disappointment. 

"Hi Isaac?" Stiles said walking into the living room. "well that didn't work." Isaac mumbled leaving. Stiles looked at me. I pulled him onto my lap "I love you darling." I told him. "I love you too Derek."

"Derek, Scott won't let me out of my room." Stiles whined. We were supposed to go out tonight. "Yeah, Isaac and Peter have me trapped here." I told him shifting my phone from one ear to the other. "I really wanted to see you." He said. "I have an idea." I smirked.

I watched Stiles climb out of his window onto the roof underneath and look down at me. "Catch me?" he smiled. "always." I replied seeing him jump off. Instead of catching him I lost balance causing us both to fall over. We both laughed "well, I mean. It kind of worked." He laughed kissing me.

We spent the night driving around. We stopped for coffee and after driving some more we decided on the park. We sat on the ground wrapped up together. It was silent, comfortably silent. Which most people would find odd since Stiles never shuts up but on rare occasions when its just us, he'd rather sit in silence and soak up the little time we have together.

"Hey kids" we heard behind us. "the parks closed, you need to head home." We turned around to see Stiles' dad. "shit" Stiles mumbled. "Stiles?" his dad said more furious than he looked. "Hey daddio" he started. "don't even start Stiles." his dad snapped. Stiles nodded "What are you doing here, with him?" his dad asked. "Dad, Derek's my boyfriend." Disappointment covered his fathers face, anger lacing into his words "get in the car. You're going home. Now." his dad snapped. "Dad" Stiles whined grabbing onto my arm. "now!" his dad yelled.

Stiles started showing signs that signaled he was going to have a panic attack. "Dad, I know you're mad bu-" his father cut him off. "get your ass in the car now before I shoot him." His hand hovering over his pistol. "Breathe, okay? Call me when you can. We'll figure everything out." I said softly for only him to hear. "I love you." He kissed me on the cheek "I love you too" He let go of my arm getting into the front of his dad's police cruiser, tear streaks evident. 

"Derek?" Stiles called softly. We haven't seen each other in almost a week. I walked over to him pulling him into a hug. "I have some good news, and some bad news.." he mumbled. I looked at him not letting go of my grip around him. "I'm pregnant." he said. I smiled "really?" I let out barely hearing my own voice. "but..my dad wants to send me to some military school out of state." He cried burying his head into my chest. "I don't know what to do" his voice muffling into me. I was silent, numb. How am I supposed to react to that? I was just given something I lost a long time ago back, a family. And as soon as I get the news it's being ripped away from me. I knew his dad hated me, I never thought he'd do this though.

"I can't leave you Derek. I need you. Tell me what to do, please." he said looking at me. I wiped the tears from his face. "let's leave." I said. "what?" he questioned. "You don't want to go and I don't want you too either. Nobody here wants us together. Let's leave. Start our family some where else. Clean slate, just us." I said. "Where?" He smiled. I shrugged. "Cora lives in New York. She likes it." He nodded. "When do we leave?"

1 year later

Stiles and I made it to New York and we are happy. We have a beautiful baby girl, Adeline, who is the bubbliest little baby you will ever meet. I proposed to him last month. And to my delight, we're having another baby.

When we got here Cora helped us out by showing us the best werewolf free places and introducing us to another "Deaton" his name is Don.

"Der, come on." Stiles laughed. I walked over to him watching him hold our baby girl. 

"I love you so much darling." I said looking directly at him. "I love you too Derbear. More than anything."

I hope it was enjoyable. I'll try to post again soon but I'm super busy this week, unfortunately. 

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