28. Off To Sokovia We Go

Start from the beginning

Tony's sudden voice startled the girl and broke her concentration, "Lucy? Honey, I'm gonna need an answer sooner than later."

Agitated, the woman swiftly attacked one of the Hydra men as she answered, "I need a minute!" Lucy took her shield and threw it at the other soldier as he readied his gun, about to shoot. She fell to the floor as the man she had been attacking got the upper hand. He tried to pry the knife from her hand only to have her end up stabbing him in the shoulder. Taking the knife, she kicked his head into the wall knocking him unconscious. The shield was lifted from the floor as Lucy was walking out. "Tony? Where are you?"

"I could ask the same thing... Top floor." Lucy quietly and quickly made her way up the stairs. She ended up a passing by Steve at one point saying a quick "hello" with the knowledge of him going to look for Baron Von Strucker. When Lucy reached the floor Tony was on, she found him in a room she never would've thought to look. She glanced around the room, looking around to see what Hydra had been doing. Looking up, the sighting of a Chitauri Leviathan caused her to stumble back and bump into a table. The crashing of its contents broke Tony's attention away from Loki's scepter and moved to his cousin.

"Don't worry, I did the same thing," he spoke gaining her attention.

"What were they doing in here?" Lucy questioned as she regained her balance. She moved over where Tony was and glanced at the scepter.

"I don't know, but it's not good."

"Guess they got a hold of all this from S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Or what was left of it." Lucy's chocolate eyes moved to meet a copy of her own. Tony slowly looked away from the blank stare the woman was giving him. They began to figure out how to bring the scepter back to the Quinjet. Lucy felt a presence behind her but didn't move as her head began to feel light, but pound in pain. Tony looked over to her in time to see her eyes change to red for a second before fading back to brown.

The Agent looked at her cousin then around the room to see it wasn't the same. Lucy felt an object in her hand and the light weight of the vibranium shield gone from her left arm. She looked down at her appearance to see a Walther pistol in her hand and black combat clothing on her slim figure. On the floor lay two bodies, a man and woman, both having blood spilling bullet holes in their heads. She remembered the man to be Herr Anton Eckhart, a German general working with Johann Schmidt. He was willing to surrender for the sake of his family, but Lucy listened to orders instead and ended up putting a bullet in his head. His wife had walked in at the time and ended up getting shot due to being a witness. The assassin swallowed hard as the memory flooded back. She promised herself she wouldn't remember any of the assassinations as they all pained her past, but this one rushed back and hurt her emotionally within seconds. She may have assassinated several Hydra men for the S.S.R. so far, this one was by far the worst. A young boy, possibly around the age of six or seven, entered the room to find his parents dead on the floor. He slowly walked toward their lifeless bodies, tears in his eyes.

"Mama? Papa?" The boy dropped to his knees next to his mother and hugged her still body, crying. Lucy looked at the scene horrified from what she had done. Out of all the assassinations, this was the first where she had to kill any witnesses.

"They were your parents?" she questioned the boy recalling what she had asked during that time in the past, having no information in mind about the General having a family. The sobbing boy looked up at the brunette woman, tears staining his face. Kill any witnesses, Lucy's commanding General had told her. It doesn't matter who they are, no one can know of your work. The young boys eyes widened as Lucy raised the gun, guilt and pain written on her face. She winced and closed her now tear-filled eyes as her finger pulled the trigger back, the bullet lodging itself into the boy. Lucy opened her eyes which happened to be closed. The scene had changed to show only the room and the scepter She didn't see Tony and figured that she was alone. The brunette began to hear what sounded like whispering voices in her head that seemed to be coming from the scepter. Oblivious to her actions, the Agent began walking forward reaching her hand out as if to touch it. The energy began to surge and prick her fingertips like static shocks as she drew closer. The whispering started to get slightly louder in Lucy's head. She couldn't tell what they were saying, but figured it was a foreign or ancient language. Her eyes flicked to her ungloved hand as her veins began to glow a bright blue once her fingertips were close enough to the energy source of the scepter.

Tony, who had just seen his worst fear, snapped back to reality and spotted his cousin struggling to get up from the floor, the shield lying far from her. The scientist rushed to help the woman up. He grabbed her hand to he'll steady her.

Lucy tried to move but only fell against Tony, "Take it easy, honey. I'm here." Lucy didn't meet eyes with Tony and continued to stare at the floor before looking at the scepter behind her.

"We need to get it out of here," Lucy spoke referring to the scepter, her voice filled with an emotion, but Tony couldn't figure out what. He stepped toward it and stretched his arm out waiting for a gauntlet from his suit. Lucy watched as the scepter was taken from its place. She turned her attention away to look behind her thinking she heard a noise, but no one was there. The two began to leave the room once Tony had the scepter.

"Guys, Barton is down," Natasha informed.

"We have the scepter," Tony replied. "I think it's time to go home."

Lucy walked out the door but stopped at the sound of roaring from the Hulk, "Nat, I think right now is a good time for a lullaby. What do you say?"

"Already on it." Lucy couldn't help but let out a small laugh. She, and possibly the others, noticed how close the assassin was getting with the doctor. To Lucy, it was in a way cute. But it was also nice for the two to find someone they could love. She just hoped for things to go well for the two.

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